Chapter 24: Truths, Lies and Secrets

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Lucas sat at the end of the long table anxiously, the faces of his soldiers staring at him intently. They all sat in silence, gazing blankly.

“Come on Benjamin, I think it’s time you got this over and done with, a lot of us still have our rounds to do,” Shanks, a very tough looking soldier, said with annoyance. Lucas looked at Benjamin, puzzled.

Benjamin sighed and pushed himself out of his chair. He stood up reluctantly and looked at Lucas, a sad look in his eyes. “Lucas, I’m sorry. Everyone thought that I would be the best one to let you know,” Benjamin started as he looked at Lucas. The expression on Lucas’ face didn’t change.

Benjamin took a deep breath and sighed. He continued. “Lucas, I’m afraid that we’ve all agreed to disband you. Your behaviour is just too much. I’m sorry, I really am,” Benjamin said softly. Lucas nodded his head once. He could accept this, seeing what he had become.

“Look Lucas,” Shanks said, standing up from his seat. “We just feel as though you’re not suitable to be the Captain anymore. I mean, look at yourself, you’re a bloody drunk,” Shanks said roughly without hesitation. Lucas stood up. Shanks was about to say something in addition to his last statement but Lucas stopped him.

“Really I understand,” Lucas turned away from the council and walked away, never turning around to take another look at his old companions. Lucas could hear Benjamin calling after him and Shanks trying to stop him but Lucas just kept walking, one step after another.

After the council, Lucas didn’t know where to go. He didn’t want to go home and he was sure he wasn’t welcome at the castle. Bright Splendia was no longer his home. It was time for him to leave.

Meanwhile, back at the castle, Princess Lorien was having some afternoon tea on the balcony with her visitor, Mrs. Coldwell. Lorien told Mrs. Coldwell about everything that had happened in the marketplace and how she still felt troubled because of Lucas. Mrs. Coldwell just sat listening to Lorien, thinking to herself. She knew that it was time Lorien knew the truth.

Lorien was in the middle of telling Mrs. Coldwell about her argument with Samuel but Mrs. Coldwell stopped her.

“Your Highness, I just want to ask you, what does Lucas mean to you? Why do you think that he’s always in your mind?” Mrs. Coldwell asked, taking one long sip of her tea slowly, savouring the taste of it while she watched Lorien thinking about her question.

Lorien stared at Mrs. Coldwell, puzzled and the old woman put her tea cup down. It seemed that she and Lorien were going to have a very long talk.

When Lorien had heard the whole truth from Mrs. Coldwell, she was furious. Her whole marriage with Samuel was nothing but a lie. She was really meant to be with Lucas and it hurt her. It hurt her that she had pushed him away at the marketplace. She was so stupid. She should have known all along.

After Lorien had realized the truth, Mrs. Coldwell could see that the poor dear needed some time alone. Mrs. Coldwell decided to leave the dear princess to herself. It was time for her to think things over so she took her leave.

Lorien was left sitting at the table on top of the balcony, sad and frustrated. She needed to speak to Samuel but now she was afraid. She didn’t know what to do. All she knew though was she couldn’t just sit there. She needed to confront him, and she wasn’t thinking about Samuel.

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