Chapter 22: Begging

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Lucas ran into his room and banged a fist onto the wall.

“Dmitri!” Lucas called out furiously. It wasn’t long until Dmitri came out of nowhere in a puff of silver smoke.

“Well well, Lucas, how are we?” Dmitri said cheerfully. He was sitting on Lucas' desk, wearing a fancy green velvet suit. Lucas stared at him but without fury. Instead, he had a look of need.

“Dmitri, I…” Lucas began, but Dmitri started tutting at him.

“Lucas, I told you months ago, there’s nothing you can do anymore. Enjoy the time that is left with you, then you will finally join your lovely family again,” Dmitri walked over to the picture that was hanging on Lucas’ wall, the picture of the happy family. The demon smiled at it coldly.

“Dmitri, I don’t want to use up the rest of my time with worthless nothings anymore. I want you to take me now. Send me to the depths of hell. This world doesn’t need me anymore,” Lucas sat on his bed and looked at the floor.

Dmitri turned to look at him. He couldn’t believe what the boy was asking him to do. “You want me to kill you, now?” Dmitri asked, stunned by Lucas’ request.

“It is your job to give me what I want, isn’t it?” Lucas said quietly. Dmitri sat next to Lucas on the edge of the bed.

“That’s quite true my boy, I believe that’s not what you want. It’s your, what do you call it, escape. I can’t give you that Lucas,” Dmitri said.

Lucas got off the bed and started kneeling in front of Dmitri. He held onto Dmitri’s knees and started begging for Dmitri to kill him then and there. Dmitri just stared at the poor troubled boy. Lucas’ eyes were flowing with tears and his whole body was shaking violently as he screamed for Dmitri to kill him.

“Dmitri, I’m nothing but a monster to everyone! Kill me! Kill me now!” Lucas begged. Dmitri jumped up off the bed and pushed Lucas away.

“You stupid boy, look at yourself. Your mother, your father, Sham, they didn’t have a choice. Neither of them chose to die, but look at you. You have a choice Lucas and you’re throwing it away. Think about how your family would feel if they saw you like this,” Dmitri stormed to the other side of the room, keeping his distance from the deranged boy.

“So if you’re not going to kill me Dmitri, will you help me get the princess back?” Lucas asked, staring at the floor. Dmitri stared at him. What was wrong with Lucas?

“Lucas, I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do anymore. Your life is in your hands now. I gave you many opportunities to make Lorien yours, now she’s in the hands of a man who actually listened to me and took every opportunity he got. I’m sorry Lucas, I really am,” Dmitri said and he disappeared.

Lucas looked up suddenly and got off his bed. “Wait, Dmitri!” Lucas yelled but he never showed up again. It was over.

Suddenly Mrs. Coldwell came through the door. She had a worried look on her face. “Lucas, Benjamin just came by. He told me to let you know that you’ve just been called to council. He said it was urgent,” Mrs. Coldwell said anxiously. Lucas nodded his head and left immediately, no clue of what was going to happen next.

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