Chapter 16: A Fool

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Lucas kneeled in front of Queen Lucia’s grave, staring at the flowers he laid out for her.

“You should be proud of your daughter Your Majesty. That's all she ever wanted to do, make you proud,” Lucas whispered as he stared at the name on the grave stone. He smiled at himself and stood up. He turned to find that someone had been watching him the whole time.

Lucas bowed slightly when saw Lorien, watching him intently. “I take my leave Your Highness. Thank you for letting me pay respects to her Majesty,” Lucas said as he stood up from his bow.

“Wait, I was wondering if you could keep me company. I too need to pay respects to my late mother,” Lorien said as she walked gracefully to stand in front of her mother’s grave, the hem of her purple dress kissing the grass lightly as it blew in the soft breeze.

“With pleasure Your Highness,” Lucas said and went to stand next to her. Lorien smiled and knelt down to pray for her mother.

After a few minutes of silence, Lorien stood gently and turned to look at Lucas. He smiled at her warmly and she returned the gesture.

“I prayed that she would give her blessing for Samuel and I. I also prayed to the Gods that they would bless me during my reign, just as they blest her,” Lorien said, smiling and staring into Lucas’ eyes.

Lucas turned away and gazed at the Queen’s gravestone. Something in his heart was pained when Lorien smiled now. 

“Believe me the Gods will always smile upon you Your Highness, I know it. Your reign will be just as successful as Her Majesty’s. If not, even better,” Lucas said reassuringly and turned to look back at Lorien. She was staring at him strangely, as though she was examining him carefully. Lucas looked at her, puzzled.

“I’m sorry Your Highness, did I say something to offend you?” Lucas asked. Lorien smiled and laughed quietly.

“No, of course not Captain. But I’m just wondering, you know that the castle is in good hands. I’m sure it will be a while before Gleaming Coast will launch another attack. Is there something that bothers you Captain?” Lorien asked, still examining him carefully.

Lucas chuckled. “Your Highness, it is my job to protect the castle. After what happened to the Queen, I just want to make sure that we take precautions. After all, you can never be too careful. Evil doesn’t sleep,” Lucas said the last sentence coldly but Lorien never noticed. Instead, her face softened into a smile.

“Prince Samuel loves taking extra precautions. He’s somewhat overprotective, over me especially. He’s very much convinced that you only come to the castle regularly because of me, which, I’m sure, is highly unlikely. The only reason anyone would find any worth in me is because I’m a princess,” Lorien laughed softly.

“That's not true Your Highness. You have much more worth than that, princess or not Your Highness,” Lucas said softly. Lorien looked at him with a smile.

“You say that with such confidence. I wish I could be as sure of myself as you are,” Lorien said to him warmly. "Please Captain, just Lorien is fine." Lucas chuckled quietly.

“Your Highness, I'm not sure if His Highness Prince Samuel would approve of that too much,” Lucas said, staring at her intently with a smile.

Lorien's voice tinkered in a giggle and Lucas chuckled with her. “Samuel may have authority over me with a lot of things but he doesn’t choose who I should and shouldn’t trust. He doesn’t have the authority to choose who I choose as friends,” Lorien said as she walked over to the nearest marble bench and sat down. Lucas watched her as she moved gracefully, fighting the urge to life the hem of her skirt which was now stained be the grass. Lucas wanted to hold her again. He wanted to tell her the truth about everything. Only, he was afraid that she wouldn’t believe him.

Lorien patted the space on the bench next to her, encouraging Lucas to sit with her. He laughed quietly and gladly sat next to her. He sat leaning forward leaning his elbows resting on his knees. Suddenly, Lorien held out her hand in a gesture for Lucas to shake it. Lucas laughed again and obliged this strange motion.

“A handshake?” Lucas asked when he let go of her hand, still confused by her gesture.

“I believe it to be a sign of friendship and trust,” Lorien said kindly, smiling brightly. Lucas was surprised but he couldn’t keep the smile off his face. Seeing his face brighten even more, Lorien started talking again. “I don’t know why but yesterday morning, I woke up and felt as though I was missing something, like I had forgotten a lot of things. I don’t know why but for some reason, I feel as though you…” Lorien hesitated. She was scared of what he might say.

Lucas looked at her, noticing her expression. She was thinking hard to herself. “I understand if you don’t want to talk about it Your Highness,” Lucas said quietly.

Lorien laughed and tried to force a frown but she just couldn't help but smile around him. “I thought I told you to call me Lorien,” she said kindly.

Lucas shook his head. “I will always respect you as a princess Your Highness,” Lucas said, staring at her kindly in the eye.

“Well then, let’s pretend I’m not a princess then, let’s pretend that I’m just a normal citizen in Bright Splendia and we are 2 friends, 2 good friends, having a lovely afternoon chat,” Lorien said looking deeply into his eyes. They both laughed quietly.

When Lucas laughed, Lorien felt a chill go through her spine. It should have shocked her but for some reason it felt somewhat, familiar. She didn’t bother herself with it too much.

“Lucas, I don’t know why but for some reason I feel as though you are… very important, no, special to me,” Lorien said hesitantly. Lucas felt a shock for a moment. He wanted to tell her the truth but all of a sudden the image of her going down the stairs with Samuel flashed through his mind. She looked so happy. Maybe she was better off following the rules, making her mother proud. He really wanted to tell her the truth but something was definitely stopping him.

“Lorien, I’m the only one who doesn’t live in the castle that knows about your power, your magic, your gift,” Lucas said, immediately stating the first excuse that came to his mind.

Lorien looked at him, shocked for a moment then smiled. She knew he was a friend, she knew he was someone she could trust.

Lucas and Lorien sat talking for a long time. They talked about their childhood, their families. As Lorien got to know Lucas a lot better, she felt more strongly towards him, but she still felt like she was missing something.

Lucas eventually stood up to leave. “I have to go Lorien, His Highness might be waiting for you,” Lucas said as he stood. He was glad he could talk to her again. Lorien nodded her head and stood up. Lucas bowed and turned to leave.

“Wait, Lucas,” Lorien ran up to him and took his hand. He could feel the butterflies in his stomach fluttering once again, for it was the first time she held his hand like that since she had forgotten. He looked at her puzzled. She placed her hand gently over Lucas’ open palm and he felt a slight tingle in his hand before Lorien removed hers from above it. There, in his open palm, was a long clear crystal. Lucas smiled at Lorien.

“A token of my friendship. I don’t know when Samuel will let you come back,” Lorien said and Lucas was glad. He stared at the crystal. It was like the first time Lorien snuck out to see him. She did exactly the same thing when he was about to leave that night. Then he asked her a single question before he left, which was exactly what he did this time.

“Why do you trust me?” Lucas said, staring at her intently.

Lorien felt a shock when he asked that question. She felt it was significant to her. But Lorien smiled, she didn’t want to ruin her afternoon. “Because I’m a fool,” Lorien said and laughed quietly.

Lucas felt a shock. It was like déjà vu. Lucas smiled at her. “Then I guess I’m a fool too.” Lucas said and winked before he gave her a small bow.

Before Lucas turned to leave, he could have sworn he saw a pair of red eyes staring through the bushes. They were lifted, as though there was a smile lurking beneath them.

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