Chapter 27: Tomorrow

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Lucas ran to Lorien and knelt down next to her as she was lay still on the floor.

“No, please Lorien. Please, don’t leave me,” Lucas pleaded with tears running down his eyes. With every tear that fell, her face started changing. Lorien’s face slowly transformed from a beautiful young princess to a wrinkly old woman's with deep set creases running along the contours of her face. Lucas’ eyes widened. He could feel that she was slipping away.

Lucas sobbed and lay his head on her body. Then he felt the cold of the crystal that hung from his neck, the crystal that Lorien had given him as a token of their friendship. He sat up and pulled the string off his neck. He placed the crystal into Lorien’s hands and it started glowing a cool blue, but Lorien’s face didn’t change.

Lucas closed his eyes and held Lorien’s hands as he sobbed. It was at that moment when he felt another hand holding his. He looked up and saw a figure dressed in white touching Lorien’s head. Lucas let go of her hand and was about to draw his sword when the figure looked up.

The figure looked just like Lorien except older. She had the same hair and eyes that Lorien did, but he knew it wasn’t her. He knew it was someone else.

Lucas bowed his head. “Your Majesty, forgive me,” he whispered. He felt the cold fingers of the figure lifting his chin. She shook her head and nodded towards Lorien. Although her face hadn’t changed back, she opened her eyes slowly. Lucas smiled and kissed her and she smiled back at him.

“It’s over,” Lorien whispered and Lucas nodded at her with a large smile. Lorien turned her head slowly and saw Samuel on the ground, struggling to get up. Lucas looked at the young prince as he helped Lorien up. When she was safely on her feet, Lucas ran over to Samuel and pulled him up to stand. The 2 men smiled at each other with respect.

All three of them stared at the ashes on floor. “It’s finished,” Samuel whispered and Lucas nodded, relieved that they would never have to see Dmitri again.

Suddenly, Mildred came stumbling through the door. She looked around the room and gasped at the damage. Lorien and Lucas laughed quietly as they stared at Mildred’s face.

“How am I ever going to fix all this?” Mildred sighed. She suddenly felt a hand lifting up her chin. Mildred stared into the deep grey eyes of Prince Samuel and gasped.

“Never mind my dear, I’ll fix this for you,” Samuel said in a loving voice. Mildred smiled and looked at Lorien. Lucas kissed her forehead and wrapped his arm around her shoulder as she gently laughed, finally feeling the freedom she had always for.

Mildred left the room with a large grin on her face and Samuel walked over to whisper something into Lorien’s ear.

“With your permission Your Highness, I would like to court your dear servant. She seems like a lovely cheerful girl,” Samuel whispered. Lorien nodded at him before she looked at Lucas and smiled as Samuel left the room.

Once they were alone, Lucas stared at Lorien and led her to the balcony. Together, they stared at the kingdom below them.

“So, what now? I become the Queen, I rule the kingdom…” Lorien started but Lucas continued.

“…We’ll get married,” Lucas said and Lorien looked at him.

“What?” Lorien asked quietly. "But my face..."

Lucas silenced her with a chuckle. “Lorien, I love you. I always have and always will. Besides, Samuel is going to court Mildred so that means that you’re no longer bonded to him, unless you want to be of course,” Lucas said with a smile and Lorien screamed and jumped on him, holding him in her arms.

When she let go, he got down on one knee. “Your Highness, Princess Lorien, forgive me for I haven’t a ring, but I will ask, may I have your hand in marriage?” Lucas asked, staring at Lorien’s wrinkly face. A tear trickled down her cheek and she nodded. Lucas got up and he kissed her, for Bright Splendia lived in peace, and so would they forever.

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