Chapter 25: "It's My Job"

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“Your Highness, he’s arrived,” Lorien turned around at the sound of her servant’s voice. Lorien gave Mildred a smile and her servant bowed and left. The princess stood in her room, turning to face outside the window, staring at her beautiful kingdom.

“You called for me Your Highness?” a cold voice behind her said. Lorien spun swiftly, staring coldly into the eyes of her visitor. She scowled at him when he smiled at her.

“Oh just stop, I already know about you and who you really are, so enough with the show. It’s over Dmitri,” Lorien said coldly.

Dmitri started chuckling as he looked down at the floor. When he stopped, he looked up and revealed his red eyes, clapping softly.

“Well done Your Highness,” Dmitri said. Then his eyes suddenly started blazing. “You finally worked it out, it took long enough though,” Dmitri said coldly and he started laughing more loudly. Dmitri started glaring at Lorien and she suddenly felt an agonizing pain surge through her body. She screamed in agony.

She fought the pain to stare at Dmitri. She glared coldly at him and the pain in her body suddenly went away. Dmitri fell on his knees, crying in agony from her own magic. His scream was piercing.

“Why?! Why did you do this?! Why did you ruin my life?!” Lorien yelled. Dmitri looked up, still kneeling.

He smiled coldly at her. “Because, Princess, it’s my job,” Dmitri growled and he got off the floor. His eyes turned a fiery crimson.

Lorien started feeling the pain again but she fought it off with her magic.

“Fine, if I can’t kill you with my magic, then I’ll kill you with my strength,” Dmitri flew towards her and grabbed Lorien’s neck. He pushed her up to the wall and smiled even more coldly with every cough that managed to get out of her mouth.

Lorien did everything she could to get her magic out but it wouldn’t work. While Dmitri was making contact with her, her magic was useless. Lorien suddenly felt light-headed. She was slowly losing breath.

Lorien closed her eyes and suddenly she heard a yell, a grunt, a thump and the pressure around her neck was released. She opened her eyes and saw Lucas with his sword pulled out, holding it at Dmitri’s throat.

Dmitri smiled and disappeared. Lucas looked at Lorien and she smiled at him before Dmitri suddenly reappeared on the balcony and he pointed to the doorway behind them.

The two spun around to find Samuel standing in the doorway with a sword in his hand. His eyes were black.

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