Chapter 18: The New Servant

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Lucas came home after spending a few hours at Silver Sultry, the drinking bar, with some of the soldiers, including his best friend Benjamin. It was a very rainy night and the mud sloshed with every step he took. He felt as though he would collapse any moment he was so tired.

Suddenly, he noticed someone lying on the ground in the mud. Lucas quickly ran up to the person on the ground and helped them onto their feet. He turned the face towards him, his heart beating twice as fast hoping it was the Princess but he froze when he found out who it really was.

He shook her. “Mrs. Coldwell, Mrs. Coldwell!” Lucas started to get worried. Her eyes were closed and her skin was cold as ice. Thankfully though, she did open her eyes.

Lucas lifted her up and carried her into his house. He put her down on his soft chair and quickly lit a fire in the fire place.

“Would you like some tea Mrs. Coldwell?” Lucas said softly and kindly. The old lady nodded her head lightly and Lucas quickly made her some tea. He wondered to himself why she was here. What had happened at the castle?

His questions were answered when he got the tea to the poor old lady. She explained to him about the wedding plans and what had happened that day. She really didn’t want to leave but she felt she had no choice really. She didn’t want to be anywhere near Samuel anymore. She thought there was something strange about him.

“Do you have anywhere else to go Mrs. Coldwell? You could always stay here if you want,” Lucas said kindly as he sipped his tea. Mrs. Coldwell looked at him and smiled but shook her head.

“No, that’s quite alright Captain, I couldn’t do that to you. I’ll be fine really. I just came to ask for your help though, with the Princess,” Mrs. Coldwell said sadly. “I’m afraid she hasn’t exactly been acting herself lately. She seems to be completely oblivious to everything important, she’s even forgotten you I’m afraid,” Lucas stared at the ground when he heard her comment.

“Yes, I know. I’m afraid I won’t be of much help now that she can’t remember me,” Lucas said softly, still staring at the ground. Mrs. Coldwell looked up at him with a warm smile.

“But Captain, I see you everyday helping young children on the street, helping peddlers in the marketplace with their sales. You are a true miracle in this kingdom, I’m sure you’ll be able to help the princess,” Mrs. Coldwell said reassuringly. Obviously, she had gained a little more strength sitting next to the fire. Lucas smiled at her as she stared into the flames.

For a while, the only sound that was heard in the little house was the flickering of the fire and the sipping of tea. Mrs. Coldwell eventually fell asleep, leaving Lucas to think about Lorien. He wanted to tell her the truth but he didn’t know if he could.

Lucas took a look at the peaceful old lady sleeping on his chair. He decided he would go to the castle and at least try to talk to the Princess. It was the least he could do for Mrs. Coldwell. Maybe he could pretend to pay his respects to the Queen again. He would see what happens when the sun rises the next day.

When he awoke, he realized he’d fallen asleep next to the fire and the chair was empty. Lucas started to panic but Mrs. Coldwell immediately came shuffling out of the kitchen.

“I’m sorry if I startled you Captain, I made you some breakfast,” Mrs. Coldwell said, holding a tray with his breakfast in it. He smiled at the old lady and she laughed.

After breakfast, he went straight to the castle. The guards let him in with no questions. After all, he was the Captain of the army of Bright Splendia.

When he entered the castle, it was decorated from top to bottom with sky blue and mint green ribbons.

“Lucas!” Lorien was standing at the top of the stairs with a large smile on her face. She ran up to him and stopped just in front of him. She gave him a graceful curtsy and he returned the gesture with a bow.

They smiled at each other but Lucas’ face immediately drooped when he saw Samuel coming down the stairs accompanied by someone rather familiar.

“Captain, what a surprise to see you. Perhaps you have come to help with the wedding preparations? Aren’t ribbons your specialty?” Samuel said mockingly. The man that was accompanying him laughed and Lucas finally realized who it was. He had blonde hair, a mischievous smile and blue eyes, but somehow, Lucas could picture him perfectly with red eyes.

Lucas was about to say something but the man glared at him and a sharp piercing went through his brain. Lucas grunted once and Lorien looked at him worriedly. Lucas looked at her with a smile.

“No actually Your Highness Prince Samuel, I actually came here to help you with the bouquet, which I’m sure is your specialty,” Lucas smiled just as mockingly as Samuel did and Lorien cleared her throat to stop herself from giggling.

Samuel glared at Lucas and looked at Lorien. “Come my love, we must assist everyone with the ribbons,” Samuel said kindly to Lorien. She nodded her head once and smiled at Lucas.

When Lorien had her back to them, Lucas stared at the strange man that stood with Samuel, knowing exactly who he was.

Samuel waiting until Lorien was out of the room before he began glaring at the Captain. “Oh Lucas, I know my new servant Dmitri is an amazingly handsome man but there’s no need to stare at him in such a way,” Samuel said, smiling in an unkind way.

“Hm, yes Your Highness, I must agree with you on that, he’s even more handsome than you. Maybe the Princess should marry him instead, he’s better for her,” Lucas said coldly.

Samuel’s eyes suddenly turned black and Lucas felt sharp pains flowing all through his body. He screamed in agony as he fell to the floor, clutching his stomach. Samuel laughed and his eyes turned grey again. He knelt down to Lucas’ level and whispered in his ear. “I know what you’re up to Lucas. You just have to accept the fact that your previous relationship to the princess has now melted into nothing. She needs a real man who can satisfy her properly. You can’t do that I’m afraid. So, in 7 days, the princess will be mine and nothing can take her away anymore,” Samuel whispered and stood up to leave.

Samuel quickly whispered something into Dmitri's ear and Dmitri walked over to Lucas and picked him up.

“Oh and Dmitri, make sure he can’t escape. If he does, kill him,” Samuel said, his eyes black.

“Of course, Your Highness,” Dmitri said and turned to look at Lucas, his eyes blood red, full of excitement.

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