Chapter 23: Better Man

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Lorien ran through the large oak doors of the castle with tears flowing freely from her eyes. She ran to the throne room, Lucas still on her mind.

What’s happening to me? What happened to him? Lorien couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss at the marketplace. She felt that it was so familiar, so right, so…. Perfect.

Mildred saw her running towards the doors to the throne room and she called out to the princess. Lorien never turned around. She wanted to talk to Samuel. She wanted to hold him and tell him what happened.

Lorien burst through the doors and Samuel was right there waiting for her, but he didn’t exactly look too happy to see her.

He glared at her, his face red with fury. He saw the tears in her eyes but he didn’t care. She disobeyed him and it was her own fault.

“Samuel,” Lorien ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him but he pushed her away violently.

“I told you not to leave the castle but you disobeyed me!” Samuel yelled, his voice full of anger and frustration.

Lorien glared at him. “Samuel, your wife comes home in tears and all you do is yell at her? Do you not care about what happened to me?” Lorien said quietly but in fury. Samuel turned his face away from her and said nothing.

“You know Samuel, I’m starting to think that I made a mistake marrying you,” Lorien said sternly and turned to walk out of the room but Samuel started yelling at her again.

“What did you say?! How dare you Lorien?! Yes, you know, maybe you’re right. Maybe you should have just married that stupid soldier that you call your friend!” Samuel yelled at her.

Lorien turned around, stomping her foot down. “At least he’d be more of a man than you are! At least he would protect the kingdom better! And just so you know Samuel, I kissed him at the marketplace today, and it was better than anything you’d ever have to offer!” Lorien stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her, leaving Samuel shocked at her words.

He was about to run after her but Dmitri suddenly appeared out of nowhere in a puff of silver smoke. “Don’t waste your time on her Your Majesty, leave her to cool off,” Dmitri said calmly and Samuel stopped and stared out the window at his kingdom.

Lorien ran up to the balcony of the castle, staring down at the kingdom, sobbing quietly. She stared at a little cottage just a few roads near the marketplace. It was Lucas’ cottage and it reminded her of the kiss. She smiled to herself.

“Your Highness,” Mildred was standing at the doorway with a sympathetic look on her face, her short light brown hair blowing in the wind. Lorien turned around and though her face was stained with tears, she beamed at her servant. “Your Highness, you have a visitor,” Mildred said quietly.

Lorien wondered for a moment and an old woman stood before her with a smile on her face. “It’s been a while, my dear,”

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