Chapter 17: Goodbye

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“I really think it would be nice if the theme was mint green and white,” Samuel argued angrily at the poor old woman sitting in the seat across him. Prince Samuel, Princess Lorien and her personal servant, Mrs. Coldwell, were sitting at a small tea table organizing the upcoming wedding which was only 2 weeks away.

It had been a month since Lorien had spoken to Lucas and she was getting sick of all the wedding talk that was happening all around the castle, especially the regular arguments between her husband to be, Samuel and her most trusted servant, Mrs. Coldwell. She wanted to talk to someone who wasn’t surrounded by royal life every day. She wanted to talk to someone like Lucas. As a matter of fact, Lucas was the exact person she wanted to talk to.

“Excuse me Your Highness, but I think that sky blue and lemon yellow are best for the wedding. After all, you will become King of Bright Splendia so you should embrace this kingdom with a wonderful welcome by having their national colours as the theme for you wedding. These colours would be best,” Mrs. Coldwell growled angrily to the Prince. He grunted at her and turned his face away.

Lorien sat at the table with her elbow leaning on the desk and her chin resting upon her knuckle while she stared out the window at the beautiful, bright kingdom. She smiled at herself, seeing how alive and happy it was. Although Samuel and Mrs. Coldwell were arguing behind her, she couldn’t hear a thing as she was lost in her own thoughts. She suddenly caught sight of a young boy with light brown hair and a sword hooked to his belt walking through the castle gates heading home. She smiled when she knew it was Lucas.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when she heard the sound of a chair scraping against the floor and Samuel banging his fists onto the table, causing the cups to jump and clang. Lorien looked up at him, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly open.

“You stupid old woman! This is mine and Lorien’s wedding, we don’t need you meddling with our plans. If I say mint green and white, then the wedding’s theme is going to be mint green and white! So when I say leave, you leave!” Samuel yelled across the table. Mrs. Coldwell didn’t even jump when he yelled at her. Instead, she took a long sip of her tea and wiped her lips softly and calmly.

Then she set her cup back on the table and stood up calmly. “Well then Your Highness, if that is what you wish, then I cannot help that. I shall go pack my bags. I should be gone before dark,” Mrs. Coldwell said gently as she looked at Lorien with a slight smile. With that, she gently shuffled out of the room.

“Mrs. Coldwell!” Lorien called after her. She got out of her seat quickly and went to run for the door but Samuel grabbed her hand, holding her back.

With her fury, Lorien turned around and slapped Samuel as hard as she could. When he let go of her, she inflicted so much pain on him with her magic until the burns on his skin became visible. She ran out of the room as fast as she could, trying to catch up with Mrs. Coldwell, leaving Samuel on the floor groaning in pain.

When he heard the door slam shut, Samuel looked up and his eyes flashed black as he heard Lorien calling for the old woman. He tried to get up but the pain that he felt with Lorien’s magic kept him on the floor.

When Lorien got to Mrs. Coldwell’s room, she found the old woman removing all her clothes from the wardrobe and throwing them into a large bag.

“Mrs. Coldwell, please don’t go,” Lorien said softly, and she ran to the woman and hugged her like she was a little girl holding onto her mother. Mrs. Coldwell kissed the Princess’ forehead and smiled.

“My dear, I’m afraid I don’t belong here anymore. Do not blame His Highness for this, it really isn’t his fault. He’s right, it’s time I stop meddling with your life my dear. It’s time I moved on,” Mrs. Coldwell said. She let go of Lorien and saw that she had tears flowing down her cheeks. The old lady smiled and wiped the Princess’ tears away. “My dear, do not cry for me, I will see you at your wedding anyway. From time to time, I’ll visit you and we’ll have tea together, just like old times. Believe me, it’s what’s best for all of us,” Mrs. Coldwell said kindly with a smile, but Lorien couldn’t return it.

Mrs. Coldwell finished packing in silence and when it was finally time to go, she gave Lorien one last big smile.

“But Mrs. Coldwell, where will you go?” Lorien asked, still sobbing. Mrs. Coldwell held Lorien in her arms like she was her daughter.

“My dear, you’ve grown up so much. Don’t worry about me, just look ahead to your future and enjoy it,” Mrs. Coldwell said kindly and kissed Lorien on the top of her head. She was about to walk out of the door but Samuel was standing in the way, an apologetic smile on his face.

“Mrs. Coldwell, please forgive me, you really do not need to go,” Samuel said in his deep, smooth voice. “I reacted badly today and I’d be more than happy to go with your colours and…” Samuel kept on trying to convince her but she smiled and shook her head.

“Your Highness, just take care of my dear Princess,” Mrs. Coldwell pushed past him and on the way she whispered, “or else I will honestly kill you,” and kept on walking, never turning her back, until she had finally left the castle with no intention of returning. But she knew exactly where to go.

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