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Ivy's POV

After texting Mason back, I went onto discord to text back Ezra. Me and Ezra have been good friends for a while, he's my best friend other than Layla.

We met through Fitz, surprisingly enough. We both just knew we had a mutual friend and started talking over Instagram and soon enough we became really close. Most people are completely unaware of our friendship as I refuse to play CSGO or PUBG therefore we have never been in a video together.

We've also never met in real life before since he lives in America and I've never travelled outside of the Australia/ New Zealand corner of the Earth.

He texted a simple 'guess what', to which I replied with 'what?'. While I waited for his reply, I checked Snapchat to check if Mason had replied yet. Nope. I sighed when neither of them replied within the next ten minutes and decided to make myself some food. And by that I mean get a bowl of cereal.

I heard my phone go off and I raced over to it, leaving my cereal on the counter. I saw that Ezra had replied.

'I may or may not be going to Melbourne on the Tuesday after you ;)'

I grinned and called him straight away. Was I actually going to meet my best friend for the first time?

Once he picked up, I shouted down the phone,
'Please tell me you're not joking Racc'

I heard him chuckle on the other end and reply 'I'm not joking cunt, me and Carson are coming so we can hang out with the boys, and you, of course.'

We discussed the whole trip and what we should do for the time that we're both there, then he had to go. This trip was going to be the best. I get to meet so many of my friends for the first time. I just wish it would come sooner.

I checked Snapchat again, replying to Layla and telling how I'm going to meet Ezra, finally. She once again apologised for not being able to come to Melbourne for the first week or two to search for our apartment. I told her it was fine and ill take pictures of every apartment and send them to her before making any sort of decision about them.

I noticed that mason had replied 10 minutes ago, I didn't hesitate to open it this time.

'great, can't wait :)'

Mason and I texted for several hours after until I decided I had to sleep and ended the conversation.
Texting him was, different to how I imagined. I'm not sure what I was expecting, probably a lot more abbreviations and things like that.

I went downstairs to get a glass of water before finally going asleep. When I was walking back to my room I noticed something on the counter I had completely forgotten about.

my cereal.


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