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Ivy's POV

Ever since Ezra had arrived, Mason had been acting,, distant. At first I was assuming it was just because he was tired but now I was more than sure it was something else. He would barely talk to anyone that wasn't Jay and he just looked pissed off.

I wanted to ask him if he was okay but I decided to just stick with Ezra as I didn't want to make his bad mood even worse by saying something wrong.

We had dropped Ezra and Carson off at the hotel they were staying at and drove home in complete silence. I had planned to talk to Mason when we got back to the apartment but when we got there, he raced in front of me and Jay and immediately went into his room, locking his door. I had asked Jay what was up with Mason, which resulted in him shrugging and telling me to 'leave it'.

Since Mason's room was across from mine, I could hear him shouting every time he got killed in whatever game he was playing, most likely to deal with his anger. I eventually put in my earphones to block out his rage. After a while I eventually fell asleep. 

I woke up at around 7pm. I could hear Mason talking to someone in his room, he was probably on Discord with some of the boys.

 I decided to ask Ezra to come over so I could talk about my whole Mason 'situation'. I hadn't told anyone besides Layla yet and that was over text. I felt as though talking to someone in person about it would be more beneficial.

Ezra replied quick enough, telling me that we should go for a walk around the area instead just in case Jay or Mason heard our conversation, which I had told him was very important. I had already fallen asleep in my clothes from earlier so I decided to just throw on a hoodie and shoes and walk out of the apartment, not telling Jay nor Mason where I was going. 

As I walked through the streets, trying to find this 'park' Ezra mentioned, I texted Jay, telling him I would be back in a while. I finally saw the park and quickened my pace. Ezra had texted me that he already arrived and was sitting on a bench, near the 'main entrance' of the park. I walked around the park for a few minutes before finally finding Ezra sat on a bench, staring at his phone. 

I walked over to him and sat down beside him. He still didn't look up from his phone so I shouted 'hey Ezra' which finally got a reaction. I laughed at his shocked reaction while he gave me a disappointed look because I found the most stupid things funny. 

We sat and talked for a while about random things before deciding to walk to a diner he had saw. 

As we were walking in mainly silence, I heard Ezra finally speak up,

"What was the big important thing you needed to tell me?" 

I awkwardly chuckled and bit my lip, feeling a wave of awkwardness wash over me. I shook my thoughts of how Ezra would react off and decided to just tell him. So I did, I told Ezra everything. I told him everything since me and Mason had become friends, how long I had had feeling for Mason, how he had been hinting about him knowing I like him, to how he acted completely normal after he pulled a little 'stunt'. 

And how he had been acting distant and pissed off since Ezra had shown up. 

"He's likes you too and he's jealous." Ezra stated before popping a French fry in his mouth. We had successfully arrived at the diner and gotten out food while I told him everything. 

I felt myself get happy immediately when Ezra said Mason liked me but quickly shook the feeling away. Just because Ezra said it doesn't mean its true I told myself. 

"How would you know?" I questioned him, narrowing my eyes at how sure he was at the unrealistic statement he had made.

He chuckled at me and looked up, "You're so naive, it's obvious, and if you're still not 100% that I'm right, we can always do something to see if he gets jealous.". Ezra smirked at me as I stared at him, confused to what he meant. 

"You mean, we - us, act all 'couple-y' in front of him and see if he gets jealous?" I asked, surprised that Ezra would even suggest something like that. 

"Precisely." Ezra winked at me before continuing to eat his food. 

I sat back in the booth and thought about his idea. 

what if Mason does like me?



this is trash omfg

ill most likely be uploading a few more chapters tonight and tomorrow so ay

thanks for all the love this book has been getting too, y'all are amazing

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