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Ivy's POV

Once we finished our food, Ezra and I walked around and discussed the plan further, I told him that I would think about it a bit before giving him a definite answer. It was already 10pm by the time we parted and decided to go home. I wasn't sure if the area was necessarily 'safe' or not but I still felt paranoid walking home in the dark by myself.

Once I reached the apartment building, I rushed to the elevator and got to the apartment as quick as I could, still paranoid until I was outside the door of my temporary home.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and walked into the apartment, quietly closing the door behind me. The apartment was completely dark so I turned around and switched the lights on. I jumped slightly when I noticed Mason sitting on one of the sofas, hands running through his hair. He looked, upset, stressed? I couldn't put my finger on it.

I approached him quietly and sat beside him, not saying a word. After a few moments I decided to speak up,

"Are you, what's been up with you today?"

Mason looked up at me slowly and I immediately regretted my words, scared that he would take all his anger out on me in that moment. But instead, he smiled at me with tired eyes and whispered
"I'm just stressed, that's all."

I furrowed my eyebrows at his words, stressed my ass. I would've questioned him about it then and there but it was clear he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"Where's J-?"

"He's asleep." Mason cut me off, seemingly not really wanting to talk at all.

I moved closer to Mason so I could comfort him in any sort of way, feeling the need to show him I was there for him even if he didn't want to talk. He leaned his head on my shoulder, the gesture shocking me.

"Sorry for being a cunt today." Mason said, so quietly I could barely hear him. My heart clenched at the weakness in his voice, I have no idea why he was so upset, even if he was jealous, this was way more than just that.

I leaned my head on top of his and stared straight ahead of me, thinking of all the possibilities why he could be feeling down. I just wanted to be there for him and for him to trust me.

"It's okay Mason." I whispered, feeling him start to lean on me more, most likely falling asleep. I started to feel increasingly tired as we sat there, not even realizing what was happening.

"Can we lie down?" Mason whispered out of nowhere, slightly making me jump as I thought he was already asleep.

I muttered a quick 'sure' and moved myself so Mason could get comfortable and I just lay beside him once he got comfortable. Mason nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck and I felt his breathing on my neck.

I felt my cheeks heat up and I smiled before closing my eyes, slowly falling asleep.


this is lowkey a filler idk I just wanted to make kind of a cute chapter cause they haven't had really anything happen between them and yEah

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