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Ivy's POV

Spin the bottle. The bane of my existence. I hadn't played since I was about 15 and I remembered why now. It always started drama or ended up disgusting me. This game happened to do both. 

It was my turn to spin the bottle, my palms slightly sweaty from the nerves, although, the nerves were calmed slightly from the alcohol I had consumed. I reached in front of me and span the bottle, watching as it span about a million times. I knew that I was definitely hoping it landed on Mason but I would never admit it. As the bottle started to slow down, I could feel the slight tension as people wondered who it would land on. And then it stopped. And landed on Ezra. 

I looked up at Ezra with a look of horror in my eyes, when we made eye contact I saw the exact same emotion in his eyes. Sure, we were faking this whole thing but we agreed to never go as far as kissing. I looked around at everyone, they all were staring at Ezra and I, waiting for us to kiss and get it over with. I looked back at Ezra, telling him to just do it quickly and get it over with. We leaned in and once our lips met, all I could feel was disgust, I felt as though I was kissing my brother. 

We both pulled back with grimaces on our faces before laughing about what had happened. During this time, Mason had stood up and stormed out of the room and me being me, obviously had to follow him with no explanation.

I knocked on Mason's bedroom door and entered the room, quickly noticing a distressed Mason sitting on his bed with a bottle in his hand. I sat beside him, keeping my distance  just in case he got even angrier.

 "What do you want?" Mason's gruff voice sliced through the thick silence. 

"What's wrong? Why'd you storm out like that?" I asked quietly, not wanting to seem as though I was demanding an answer. Mason scoffed at what I had asked and stood up, running a hand through his hair. 

"Is it not obvious Ivy? God, you're so oblivious." He spat at me, I stood up in front of him, slightly offended by being called 'oblivious'. 

"What's that supposed to mean, cunt? Nothing's obvious with you. Just tell me why the fuck you've been such a bitch since Ezra's been here." I angrily said back to him, keeping my voice at a normal level so the rest of the people in the apartment couldn't hear. 

Mason chuckled sarcastically, looking up at me, staring me in the eye, waiting a few seconds to say anything. "I'm jealous of him, okay? I said it. I like you and seeing you and Ezra being so close when you obviously know I like you pisses me off."

I stood there, shocked at Mason's words. He likes me? He's been jealous this whole time? Fuck. I fucked up. I never thought he wold actually like me back, I thought it was a far off theory.

Mason hadn't broken the eye contact the whole time I was silent, his intense stare making me feel smaller than I already was compared to him. 

"I-I had no idea, I'm sorry?" I swallowed the lump in my throat, noticing how we were so close. I could feel heat radiating off his body and I tried to not beak the eye contact, not wanting to lose whatever this was. 

No one had said anything for a while now, we had just stared at each other, not knowing what to say. 

"I know you like me too." 

My eyes widened at this statement, he knew? I mean, I knew I hadn't been that great at hiding it but I thought Mason was too stupid to notice. 

I didn't say anything again, simply admiring his blue orbs as they stared into my green ones. I started to feel our bodies get closer to each other and our heads lean in towards another. 

When our lips met, it was more than I ever could've imagined, an overwhelming sensation of happiness and excitement fled throughout my body and I moved my arms around the back of Mason's neck, not wanting the moment to end. 



wHat even is this omfg 

I can't write like kissing scenes and shit im so sorry agh

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