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Ivy's POV

It was around 8:30 when I heard the alarms of Jay and Mason's phones go off. I had been awake since around 10pm the previous night as I couldn't sleep because of the nap I had during the movie, and the excitement of seeing Ezra.

We had to be at the airport at around 9:30 and I was ready early for once, thanks to my worsened  sleep pattern. I put my phone on charge and went to get breakfast since I hadn't gotten it earlier in fear of waking up Mason and/or Jay.

I decided on making toast, I popped the bread in the toaster and stood in front of it, waiting for it to be ready. I was staring ahead of me, mentally cringing at my confidence the night before. I just leaned my head on his shoulder out of nowhere. Who does that?

I heard footsteps approach me and next Mason whispered "Sorry Anderson," in my ear and put his hands on my waist, slightly moving me out of the way so he could grab a bowl. I instantly became flustered and felt my cheeks go a deep crimson. I mentally cursed myself for letting myself be so effected by him simply whispering in my ear. My toast them popped out of the toaster, causing me to jump and hit off Mason in the process. I grabbed the toast, muttered a small 'sorry' and walked, very quickly, back into my room, forgetting to put anything on the toast.

Once I got to my room, I stared in the mirror at myself, trying to calm down and make myself turn a healthy color again. I ate my dry, plain toast and quickly brushed my teeth in the bathroom connected to my room.

I walked out of my room and towards the kitchen once again, grabbing a glass of water and walking over to the table where Mason and Jay, who had finally left his room, were sat. When Mason looked up from his phone and saw me approaching, he made direct eye contact and smirked at me, knowing what effect he had on me just a few minutes earlier. He didn't break eye contact until I sat down across from him.

"Morning," I smiled at both of them, earning a quick 'morning' from both of them. After a few minutes of mainly silence and a bit of small talk, Jay shot up, said that we were leaving and walked out of the apartment. Leaving me and Mason to follow him after sharing a look of confusion at his eagerness.

Mason and I walked towards the elevator silently, I wasn't sure if it was an uncomfortable or comfortable silence, it kind of just, wasn't either.

I walked into the elevator hesitantly, after Mason. All I could think about what every fan fiction ever where the girl gets stuck with her crush in an elevator and then they make out. I was not prepared for that to happen. Even though I'm sure it wouldn't anyway.

All I could think about was Mason slowly turning to me and looking me in the eye while slowly backing me up against the wall of the elevator, slowly starting to lean in with a smirk on his face an-

Then the elevator doors opened, freeing us of the tension in the small space. I gestured for Mason to go first and ran a hand through my already - somewhat messy hair.

I hopped in the backseat since Mason called shotgun and I quickly plugged in my earphones, knowing they were both probably too tired to discuss something anyways.

I mentally cursed myself for thinking about my brother's best friend in that way. Mason would probably be so weirded out if I liked him.

I pulled the hood of my hoodie over my head and looked out the window of the car. Despite all the Mason stuff, I still couldn't wait to see Ezra.



this is kind of a filler I guess, is it too long to be a filler? idk
but next chapter will be the whole airport tHing, which I'll try to get up tomorrow.

also if anyone wants to be friends hmu because I need some, tHanks

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