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Ivy's POV

I woke up to the sun glaring through a crack in my curtains and the noise of Jay and Mason laughing at eachother in the living room. I checked the time on my phone, 5pm.

This is how most of my day have gone so far, I haven't had the time to look at apartments because I was trying to get to know the area better and I'm basically nocturnal at this point.

I turned around, blocking out the sun and tried my best to fall back asleep, which failed. I soon accepted the fact that I wasn't getting anymore sleep for a while and got out of bed.

Over the past few days; Fitz, Toby, Swagger and Jaren had arrived and we were just waiting for Ezra and Carson which is tomorrow. I couldn't wait.

Mason, Jay and I are the ones collecting them from the airport, much to Cameron's dismay. Mason wouldn't not come and Jay is the only one that can drive meaning there was no way he could've joined us, as I was refusing to not go.

I walked towards the kitchen to get cereal, Mason nor Jay noticing me until I dropped my spoon, causing Mason to scream and Jay over dramatically gasp.

I sat down beside them, watching them play, or attempt to play, Fortnite on the PS4. I'm not saying they were bad they're just, not good, you could say.

Regarding the Mason situation, I still undoubtedly have feelings for him but the more I talk to him the more I realize it won't happen. He sees me as his best friends sister. Although, I do still wonder what could've happened if I had leaned forward a single inch in that second.

"What do you think, Ivy? Ivy?" Jay's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Wait what?" I asked him slowly, trying to remember what he had asked.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I could see the slight smirk Jay was wearing, making me nervous as to what type of movie we were going to watch.

"What movie?" I asked hesitantly, very aware that I had no choice and I was probably going to be made watch the movie anyway.

"The second conjuring?" The minute those words left Jay's mouth, I stood up and started walking backwards towards my room. I already wasn't good with horror movies but, someone got possessed when they were watching the Conjuring 2, right?

"Nope, no chance, y'all can, I'll be in my room, bye now."

I turned my back to them, smiling as I thought I got away but next thing I know, Mason is pulling me by my arm towards the couch and I'm not even trying to fight back, knowing he's stronger than me anyways.

Jay went and grabbed snacks from the kitchen while Mason got the movie ready and closed all the blinds, making the room pitch black. I went and grabbed a few blankets and when I came back, Jay had comfortably situated himself to one half of the sofa, leaving me and Mason having to share the other half.

I waited for Mason to comfortably sit down on the sofa. I then sat down beside him, wrapping myself in a blanket and looking at my phone. I could feel eyes burning into the side of my head and when I looked up, Mason was staring at me.

"No phones." He smirked, putting his hand out to collect mine. I raised my eyebrow at him, not taking him serious but when he didn't say anything else, I rolled my eyes and gave it to him. He laughed at my annoyed state and put my phone in his pocket.

After a few minutes of trying to get comfortable, I finally ended up with my head in Mason's lap. I refused to look at the screen playing the movie and simply looked up at Mason, analyzing every facial expression he made.

I'm sure he knew I was staring at him the whole time but he didn't make any effort to show me he knew.
Every few minutes he would jump slightly, and every time I heard someone scream or any sort of scary noise I screwed my eyes shut and waited for it to be over.

As the movie started finishing up, I decided to sit up and actually watch some of it. My sudden movement made Mason jump, most likely having thought I had been asleep.

I rested my chin on my knees and tried to watch the movie but grew bored of it quickly. I decided, while I had the chance, to rest my head on Mason's shoulder. I felt him tense at first but soon relax. I closed my eyes and smiled to myself. I'm pretty sure I went to sleep after that because I don't remember anything else.



700 reads? Lol whaT
thanks for all the comments too I'm honestly so happy that people enjoy this book iM

also did anyone else cry listening to the new podcast or am I just emotional asf

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