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Ivy's POV

Subtle. Something me and Ezra were being the opposite of. We were sat in the living room with Mason and Jay. Toby and Cam were coming over too since they hadn't seen Ezra yet and Carson had something to do, therefore he didn't join us, I hadn't seen him at all since the airport, actually.

Ezra and I sat on a small-ish sofa opposite the main sofa which Mason and Jay were situated. I was basically on top of him, Showing him memes on my phone every few minutes, making us both laugh and gaining a side glance from Mason each time, slightly making me think it was working. Jay took no notice of our antics, I guess he didn't care much.

After about half an hour, the doorbell rang, signalling Cam and Toby had arrived. I quickly hopped up off the sofa to let Ezra answer the door, knowing how excited he was to meet Cam and Toby for the first time. I laughed at his eagerness and how loud Cam shouted when he saw Ezra.

I felt eyes burning into the side of my head and turned my head in Mason's direction, only for him to make a face, stand up and walk over to Cam, greeting him with nearly as much excitement as Ezra even though he saw him the day before.

Once I caught myself staring at Mason, I quickly tore my eyes away and walked over to Cam and Toby.

"Hey guys," I hugged them and joined in their conversation which I quickly got bored of so I went into my room to watch some YouTube videos.

As I sat on my bed, watching some random videos that popped up in my suggested, I heard a knock on my door and I saw Mason Bradford waltz right in and plonk himself down beside me with a large grin on his face.

"Yes?" I asked him, giggling at his random visit. He smiled at me and sat back, typing something on his phone. "I'm bored and no one will go get fucked up with me." Mason stared at me hopefully, which I laughed at and refused.

"Maybe tomorrow Mace." I looked back at my phone, continuing the rest of the YouTube video I was watching. I heard him groan and felt his weight leave the bed, "You can still stay, I'm bored too." I pouted at him, hoping I could convince him to stay. He rolled his eyes playfully and jumped back onto my bed.

We sat there for a while, talking about random things when we eventually fell into a comfortable silence, the only sound was both of us typing on our phones.

"When did you and Ezra happen?" I heard Mason asked quietly, shocking me to say the least. I took a few second, which felt like hours, to reply, trying to come up with something I could remember easily.

"Uhm, it just kind of did, I guess?" It came out as more of a question but he believed it anyways.

"Oh, cool, I'm happy for you guys."

he's happy for us. happy that we're together. happy that I'm 'with' someone. does this mean he never liked me? was I looking too far into it?

"Thanks." I muttered, half heartedly. I stood up, making my way to the door of my bedroom. I gestured for Mason to follow me when I saw the confused look on his face. I didn't necessarily want to be in the room with him for any longer, knowing I would let something slip. 

When we walked into the living room, everyone looked at us with confused looks on their faces. I rolled my eyes as I laughed at them, thinking we had 'done something' and sat next to Ezra, a little too close for comfort for our 'friend' status but we had make this whole thing believable. 

I looked over at Mason slightly, noticing him already looking over at me, when he noticed me looking at him, he smiled at me and then turned and started a conversation with Jay, who was sat next to him.

I talked to Ezra and Cam for a bit before we all decided to celebrate. Celebrate what? I still have no idea.



UhHh this is a BiT late, I am so sorry about that 

I'll probably not be updating for about another week after this weekend because I have important stuff with school so I'm gonna try update whenever I can 

thanks for every single one of you guys reading this, I appreciate it so much man

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