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Ivy's POV

The next morning, I woke up in Mason's bed, our bodies cuddled up with one another. Mason's head was buried in the crook of my neck, like last time we fell asleep together. Nothing really happened after we had made out for a while the night before, even thinking about it made me blush.

As I lay there in Mason's embrace, I couldn't help but want to stay there forever. I doubt he would want to talk about everything from last night and he could easily say he didn't remember, even if I knew he was only slightly intoxicated.

After a few minutes, I felt Mason start to wake up, immediately making me nervous to what his reaction will be.

"Morning," Mason's husky morning voice broke me out of my anxious thoughts. I felt Mason sit up and reach to the other side of the bed, also grabbing his phone. I sat up and looked at him with a tired smile,

Mason and I were sat in silence, him texting on his phone and me just trying to think of something to say. I felt a wave of awkwardness come over me and I decided to just get up and leave. Or try, at least.

As I started to walk away from the bed, I felt Mason's hand on my wrist, signaling for me to turn around to him. I was met with a look of confusion from him, which confused me.

"Can we, can we talk about last night?" Mason asked me quietly, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

I was shocked that he asked to talk about it, last time I asked him to talk about something like this he brushed me off as if it was nothing.

I nodded at him and sat down, looking at my hands as I was too nervous to look into his eyes. I was trying to mentally prepare myself for him to say something like 'it was the alcohol talking' or 'I don't actually like you like that'.

"What exactly do you want to talk about?"

"Last night Ivy, did it mean anything to you?"

I looked at Mason, not knowing how to express what I wanted to say. Of course it meant something to me, I've had feelings for Mason for so long and the fact that he could like me back feels like a dream. But, do I tell him all this now? Or do I wait?

"I uh, y-yeah, it did." I managed to get out, I was a nervous wreck, I've always feared rejection and I don't know how I would handle it if Mason straight up told me he didn't feel the same.

I looked anywhere besides his eyes, if I looked in his eyes and saw something along the lines of pity or sympathy I think I would completely breakdown.

I know, I know, don't let someone have so much power over me. With Mason, it's different though, I would be losing a best friend as well as being rejected by someone I've liked for months.

After a few seconds of complete silence, I felt Mason put a finger under my chin to bring me to face him, I could feel my cheeks start to heat up as I stared into his blue eyes.

"Me too."



This is a filler idk

Uhm I'm kind of starting to feel unmotivated with everything, this doesn't mean I'm gonna finish the book or anything, I'm just sorry if some of the next chapters aren't necessarily entertaining. I'll try my best to get chapters out but I can't promise much.

thank you all so much


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