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Ivy's POV

I woke up as the plane started descending. This was my least favourite part about flights. I wasn't sure why but I just always got an uneasy feeling that something bad would happen.

I took out my earphones and checked the time, 3:48pm. I sighed and looked out the window, watching as the plane was engulfed by a cloud.

After the plane had landed and I was making my way to retrieve my bag, I couldn't help but feel extremely nervous about seeing Mason in real life.

is he going to be taller than I've imagined? Or shorter?

I quickly stopped thinking about it and took my bag. In less than 5 minutes I will be reunited with my brother and my crush. Great.

I approached the area where they would be and quickly calmed myself.

Mason's my good friend, he's a normal person, it'll be fine.

As I walked around the corner, I noticed two guys around the age of 20 stood, staring at their phone screens and not looking up. I immediately recognized Jay's bright orange hoodie and walked over to him.

"Thanks so much for your enthusiasm, I'm happy to see you too brother!"

Jay looked up at me with a grin on his face and I immediately hugged him tightly, I had missed Jay so much.

"Oi cunt," Mason's thick accent rang through my ears and I pulled away from Jay. I looked up at Mason, I quickly noticed how good he looked. The cameras definitely didn't do him justice.
I'm sure I was staring for at least 5 minutes before he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. I plastered a smile on my face and opened my arms, gesturing for him to hug me.
I was quickly engulfed by his large body and I took in his scent.

I pulled away from from the hug with a smile on my face and turned to Jay.

"How was your flight?" He asked me.
I answered him as I started following him and Mason to where Jay had parked his car. I told them how I mainly slept but still managed to get a few Instagram worthy pictures.

Once we reached the car, Mason took my luggage and put it in the boot of the car for me. I blushed at the gesture but quickly climbed into the back seat to avoid him noticing my rosy cheeks.

As we set off to Jay and Mason's apartment, we spent the time catching up a bit and telling each other what we wanted to do and they told me the entirety of the people coming also in the next few days.

As we neared the apartment, 'COPYCAT' by Billie Eilish started playing on the radio and I leaned forward and turned the song up to full volume. I started singing along, horribly and at one point Mason did too. I smiled at the memory of me telling him to listen to her music.

Once the song ended, we were basically at the apartment. Jay turned down the radio, chuckling at my and Mason's singing as we both laughed also. Jay parked in the parking lot, nearest to the entrance as he could get and we quickly all climbed out of the car.

I went to get my suitcase out of the back but Mason had beaten me to it.

"I can take my own suitcase Mason," I dragged out his name with a smile, he rolled his eyes at me playfully and replied,

"I have it now, what's the point?"

thank you so much for 130 reads?? I'm kinda shook?? and thanks for the comments as well I'm wodhwjdhs


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