Chapter 24
No one seems to notice when the door to our training room (the largest room of Janca's warehouse) opens, but when Ra's voice is heard everyone's heads snap to him. He shouldn't be here; he should be on a date with Kate. Actually focusing on his words and not at the anomaly of seeing him without Kate within a five foot radius, I catch him asking where Kate is. Iz, the closest to him because she was in the middle of training with Eli, answers. "I thought she was with you. Didn't you guys have a date today?"
"We were supposed to. She called a few hours ago from the Complex to tell me she was on her way but she never showed up. I figured maybe she forgot but she wasn't there and apparently she isn't here. It isn't like her to just disappear." He says this last part as almost a whisper but everyone with enhanced hearing (aka everyone in the room) can hear him perfectly. He doesn't have to tell us that; we're quite aware.
It's been nearly a week since he proved himself 'worthy' of Kate (by fighting against Jan) and ever since its been like we've known him for years, everyone just instantly accepting him and treating him like one of us. Kate's been entirely thrilled by this fact and, as she once admitted to me, she was terrified that he wouldn't be accepted when they first met. I have to admit, the main reason why we did (besides the fact that he's an overall awesome guy and is good to Kate) is because he could fight.
I know, it's weird, and it's not like that really mattered to begin with; I'm pretty sure if he didn't already know how we would have taught him. Not that we aren't- because we have been; every day he meets us after work for an hour to practice before stealing Kate to go do stuff. Today he had a day off so he and Kate were going to have an entire day to do whatever, but she obviously never showed up.
That's just so weird. I'm thinking something must have happened to her, as horrible as it sounds, because she wouldn't have just let him wait for her for hours without an explanation. It's just not like her.
Iz speaks again, looking between us and Ra with deep concern, "do you think... Royce?" She told us a while ago about that sicko that abducts Shifters and then disappears and as I mull it over my body tenses in dread, terrified of the all-too probable possibility. In a second she's sheathed her daggers and starts for the door. "We should see if the others have heard of anything."
The 'others' refer to the small network of vampires (those that didn't want to be turned back and had a non-living source for blood like the Complex does with Walter) and Shifters that live throughout Mew York. They've helped spread word about what Iz can do (both with her ability to help and her formidable fighting skills) and they've also become quite a convenient little back up army. Most everyone that we've met has had at least menial training, enough to stand up to a mugger or something along those lines, and occasionally we'll meet them to have quick fighting lessons.
Before she can get very far everyone's already fallen into line behind her, forgoing the car for the subway. Once she tells us what route we're taking I smile; we're going to Bethany's. She's cool, a... Bear, if I remember correctly. She lives with two other Shifters, an... Otter (Phyllis), and a Fishing Cat (Ling). We met them at one of the few Shifter clubs in the city but unfortunately they live a lot further than the club is from us.
Phyllis is pretty old (she's technically their neighbor, she just spends most of her time with them) and Ling takes care of her in their apartment, so we know that they'll at least be there, and they're a good source of gossip. Judging from the relatively early hour, Bethany should be managing that boutique she runs down the street from their apartment.
Once we get off the train at the right stop we walk the few blocks to their house, passing the shop, and knock on their door. There's no answer after a minute and I'm not the only one that's surprised that they're actually not home for once. We double back to the shop (it was open so we know at least Bethany's there) and find all three of them inside.
Apparently we should have stopped here first.
Chasing Wolves (completed)
VampiroIz and Lin have just been married... but what kind of reception awaits them? After such a wonderful start to the day tragedy strikes their group, leading them on a murderous rampage of revenge. When their adventures take them to New York Rob is forc...