haunty house story part duo, not the condoms.

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i didn't sleep comfortable that night, at all. the bed legitimately felt like a school chair. dionisis woke up because of me and we talked for a while, i was able to calm down a bit, we took our minds off from the things that happened beforehand. while talking, i managed to destroy one of the necklaces i was wearing, to keep the chain so i can hang the pentacle on, because i couldn't just take it around and risk loosing it.

next morning, we got up, made our bed, we used the restroom with no demonic presence this time, we were able to pee in peace, thankfully. we ate some marvelous breakfast, honestly, i haven't had that much breakfast, like, ever. nausica's grandfather commented on my necklace. you see, most people wouldn't pay any attention to their neighbours saying there are ghosts in the house they live in but her grandparents, they knew and believed every single word. they haven't gotten into it though, they haven't done any research as to why the house is haunted, who is haunting it and stuff. they said to us, the more you pay attention to it, the more it follows you. and i asked if it was only one thing, one ghost, one spirit whatsoever, in the house. he advised me to listen to my necklace.

we later took a walk to a local cafe. while walking out of the house, the pentacle was as if it wanted to leave the house. i know it sounds weird, i mean, trust me, i didn't believe this shit either. but, it was as if it barely touched my skin and it was always on edge. like a living thing, maybe someone, alive, in the necklace.

we got to the cafe, had a wonderful time, cried a little but because school is starting soon but that's okay. we got back home and since we had takeout for lunch, we decided to go visit one of the rivers, just outside of the woods. it sounds creepy but i told you, it's a densely populated area, the school was nearby, there was a playground too very close to the river we were going to. however, it was on the other side of the village. so we gathered some things, i, as per usual, carried everything, it was mostly food and water, so i was okay with it. we got to the place and settled down, we had almost forgot about the whole supernatural bullshit at the house. i got up and distanced myself from the others, i went to my backpack, i reached for my cigarettes when everyone was watching the sunset and i felt my pentacle getting heavier and heavier. a pretty weird feeling in my chest as if someone was applied pressure on it. i sat down with the others and they noticed my discomfort. they asked me what's wrong and i told them i needed that necklace gone, right about the fuck now.

as soon as i got it off, i was already feeling better. anna told me that i also looked better and i asked her why. do you wanna know what she told me? she told me that my eyes were baggy and my skin turned way too pale and my hands were kind of purple. she also informed me that she told me all of that before. and i asked her before what? and she told me when we were all sitting, including me, watching the sunset. so, basically, someone else, who looked exactly like me, took my place when i wasn't with them. at least, that's what i got from what she told me, everyone can make their own assumptions, i don't know.

and the weirdest thing is that, the playground was literally 100 metres away from us, there were children with their parents there, there were people, we weren't alone. that spirit is not playing any games. it's not afraid of the spotlight, that spirit is a damn attention seeker, i don't give a fuck if you see this and you're offended.

 it's not afraid of the spotlight, that spirit is a damn attention seeker, i don't give a fuck if you see this and you're offended

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we got back and went straight to sleep. this time, we all slept in one room. we agreed if something happens, it's better if we are together. and oF cOUrSe something happened. as katerina was listening to music, she claimed she heard laughter that wasn't from the tracks she was listening. as for the necklace, it was in my backpack and everyone said it would be a nice idea to wear it. so i did. and boy, were they right.

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