Finally. The day has come. (i got a life) Edd finds out.

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I still dont have a life.

I arrived at Black's base. Quickly getting into uniform.I sighed. It was 5:59 am. Tick Tock...

Yells emerged at the clock struck 6:00 am. They busted open the door as I stood there prepared. I smiled. Soon they attacked me, I shot many of them down. Until I heard my phone's ringtone. (insert stupid song you find funny.) I answered it and heard Edd. "(Y/N) WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" Edd yelled through the phone. I shot a few people dead. "WAIT..(Y/N) WHAT'S THAT NOISE? (Y/N) ANSWER ME!" Edd screamed through my ear.
"Geez. Calm down. I'll tell you when I'll come back-- HOW YOU MOTHER TRUCKER! Cya later Edd." I hung up and started shooting again. Some a** hole decided to cut my arm.  I shot the group of men and women down. I called Jade.

"They came. The plan was a success. I shot them down. Are you at our new base?"

"Yep!" Jade's angelic voice came through the phone.

"What have you found?"

"Nothing yet. We are still setting everything up. And well done for fighting them off. Hope to talk to you again. Jade out." I hung up. The next task at hand. Cleaning up all the blood on me. I stared down at the bodies. 'What have I gotten myself into...? No time to turn around now..' I thought.How am I going to tell Edd about this? I cleaned myself up and put on regular clothes. I began to walk home.

"Im home--"  I said before.

"YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO!" Edd yelled. I cringed. From both him yelling at me and my the pain in my body. I took a lot of hits.

"Wait. I need to fix my bleeding body. Hold up." I went to the bathroom and bandaged myself up. I walked downstairs. My heart pumping. Faster and Faster with each step I took. Will he still love me? And think of me as his little sister? I got to the last step and looked at Edd.

"Will you still love me if I told you?"


"Okay first of all your my brother not mother. And here it goes..."

"Edd... I'm the leader--" I sighed. "I'm the leader of the black army..."

"(Y/N)..." Edd said.

"And a criminal... Mainly blackmail. I have a problem"

"(Y/N)... Why?..." Edd had tears in his eyes.

"I knew this was going to happen. I knew I shouldn't of interfered with your life. I knew I shouldn't of done this... I just got really messed up when you left...And..and..." I started to cry. "Mum found out... And kicked me out the house. Now your probably going to kick me out. All of this criminal thing happened because...I was selfish because I didnt want you to leave... I was-- no I STILL am messed up.. Please forgive me... Your still my big brother..." I broke down.

"(Y/N) your still my little sister... But why didnt you just talk to me about it?" Edd hugged me.

"Either way I still would've become messed up and now I've probably put us in danger and... Tom probably wont... Love me...Ever..Again..." I cried even more.

He wont love me anymore...



Me: "I'm trying to read HENTAI." *mimicks Tord*


Tord: you weren't even in it.

K: neither were you.

Tord: WHY YOU--!

Edd: shush.

Matt: yeah shush.

K: yes Edd of course!

Ok I was bored back there with Tord..... Uh. I still have no life. Thank you for reading this chapter or something. Goodbye my little erupting potatoes. Im tired its 00:58. Yeah yeah.

-k out or whatever

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