Drinking buddies.

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I stumbled to the bar crying as passing people stared at me. When they stared for too long I would yell.

"STOP STARING AT ME OR I'LL KILL YOU!" Luckily they were too scared to call the police... I walked into the bar, gaining stares at the gambling and drinking people. I sat down and ordered Smirnoff...

About 10 bottles later

"(Y/N)? Are you here?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around looking happy and blushing... The drunk blush... I was very drunk.

"Oh hey Edddddddddddddd" I trailed on. I jumped off the high stool I was sitting on.

"(Y/N) you can't keep doing this! You can't keep sneaking off to the bar!" Edd yelled at me. I stared at him.
"(Y/N)?" Edd said to me. I started to cry. And repeating sorry. Basically. When I'm drunk, I have certain... Feelings...  If I'm left alone drinking, I'm happy. Or if I'm being yelled at, I get scared and start to cry. If someone talks smack about me or my family, I get mad and start fights, and I end up getting kicked out...
"No no no! (Y/N) dont be sad! No no no! Uhmm.. Lets go home!" Edd said trying not to make me cry more.
"B-but... I want to stay here..." I said crying.
"No. (Y/N) we are going home."
"No! Im not going back yet!"
"Until I forget--- what were we talking about?"
"Why your not going back yet." I wiped my tears.
"B-because. I need to-to forget ab-about the breakup..."
"What break up?" I stumbled trying to walk closer to Edd.
"Me...And Tom..."
"WHAT?!?" Edd yelled.
"Just let me stay here please!"
"Ok. You better be back by midnight or your dead"
"O-ok." I stumbled back to my seat and ordered more Smirnoffs. 

1:00 am.

The bar was completely empty. Until a box suddenly opened up.  I looked up to see the bartender gone, so I opened it. An eye popped out.

"HOLY SHIZ WHAT THE FUDGE?" I looked at it finishing my Smirnoff.

"Hello. I am your personal demon. I will be with you for the rest of eternity." A voice said as a small black one sided figure popped out. (yes I'm adding Disenchanted Luci into this story. I want to. Dont like it. Go away.)
"Cool." I said opening a new Smirnoff.

" I said opening a new Smirnoff

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"Call me Luci." He held out his hand. I grabbed it. And slammed him to the ground.  I turned to the bar table and saw him there.

"Jesus hell!"

"Can I have one?"

"Sure." He grabbed a bottle and chugged it.

"So Luci--"

"(Y/N) WHAT DID I SAY?" Edd, Tom, Matt and Tord were there behind him.

"Uhmm. I kinda forgot."

"Really?" Edd said.
Tom looked at me in disgust.

"Wait. Who is that?" Tom asked.

"My cat."

"What I'm no--" I slapped his back hard. "Meow. Is that what cats say?"

"Ok." Tom answered. They all neared me ready to pounce.  It felt like me and Tom never even dated...  I smash the end of a Smirnoff and provoked the sharp ends to them.

"Commie, Narcissict, Loser, Brother. Stay away."

"(Y/N) put down the bottle--"

Soon Luci started talking.

"Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.
Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it." Luci repeated.

"What the hell? AM I THE LOSER?" Tom said. I let off my guard and started laughing.


"AHAH! GOTCHA!" The Norweigan yelled as a gripped onto me tightly as Luci went onto my shoulder. I dropped the remaining bottle. Smashing it on the ground. He carried me home as I squirmed around a lot. Soon I was put into my room. And I was locked in.

"For a demon. Your useless."

"HEY! I am not! I am like the side that makes you feel good about doing bad things. The voice that yells over the good perspective."

"Yes. I found that out with your... do its."

"See." Luci said. I grabbed a box from under my bed and opened it.  It was full of Smirnoffs as I smirked.

"Ok. I know I'm meant to be a demon and all but your having too much alcohol."

"Yeah yeah.  I've done this many times. Wanna hear about them?"

"Sure since we're locked in... Wait.." He looked at the window. "You know what I'm thinking?"

"Probably not seeing I'm really drunk"

"We can climb out the window and smoke some cigarettes."

"Sure." I opened the window as Luci climbed out. Suddenly the door swing open.

BY US!" I grabbed Luci and I looked down.

"Its your fault this happened..." I mumbled.

"What was that?" He asked knowing what I said.

"You heard me." I turned my head up at him. "You heard me loud and clear." I stared right into the dark abyss of hid eyes.

"I'm sorry. Who's fault is it that I dont want to get in trouble because I dated a CRIMINAL?"

"get out." I mumbled.


I pushed him into the corridors wall. With a tad too much power he dented the wall pretty badly. I started to cry as Edd ran upstairs and stared at the scene.
YOU TOM!" He yelled having enough.

"Ooo Ooo" Luci said watching the scene. I started at Edd's gray eyes.

"FINE! I guess we'll meet again. Some sunny... Day..." I look at him singing.

The next day...

"Oh I'll know we'll meet again. I know we'll meet again. Some sunny day..." I sand as Lucy followed me into my car.

ok. Im sorry if this seems rushed I'm still trying to improve when writing stories. But I hope you like it...


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