Chapter 05: Club/Performance/Are you pregnant?**'

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Chapter 05: Club/ Performance/ Are you pregnant?**'


   I walked down the club along with Kanye. We had Kevin Hart with us along with Rihanna and Big Sean.

Rihanna went to the bathroom, while we walked straight to the VIP area, where everything was. The guards dropped the red rope and we walked in. We sat down in some seats and immediately started to order some drinks from the bar.

I got a bottle of water since the last time I came home drunk I almost lost trust in my fiancé. Kevin kicked his legs unto the table and placed a tall bottle of "bare foot" next to his feet.

"Y'all don't sometimes wonder where they got the name from?" he asked. I chuckled and laid back into the chair drinking some water. "Yo, the fuck you tryna go home sober for?" Sean asked. Kanye placed his shot glass down. "Unlike us, he gotta girl."

"And whose that?" Sean and Kevin asked. "Beyoncé."

"KNOWLES!?" the both of them yelled out loud. I drank some of my water. "Yeah, her."

They both looked at each other and started to laugh. Me and Kanye was confused. "What the fuck is funny?" Kanye asked.

Kevin laughed louder and he started to move his head at the same time and that made me laugh.

"What's funny!?" Kanye asked again.  They both calmed down. "We had dibs on her." Sean finally admitted.

I laughed. "Ha! Well, too fucking bad. She's mine." I said. "Alright Jigga, now why do you have that sexy girl pinned down?" Kevin asked.

"He knew her before the whole world did." Kanye said. "Exactly." I said.

Both of their eyes opened wide and they continued to drink. "I thought you were dating Rihanna for a minute." Sean said. I shook my head. "She works for me. That's all." Kanye started to laugh and I smacked him behind his head. "Beyoncé worked for you too, and she still is."

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Well, that's different."

"Whatever happened to Sharon?" Kevin asked. I shrugged. "I haven't seen her since she came to my house to apologize."

Sean looked worried "Do you think she's okay?"

I shrugged. "I hope so, I'm still paying those bills so I really do hope she is and that I wasn't paying fraud."

Rihanna slid next to us and took Kevin's feet off of the table and getting a shot glass, taking the rum. Kevin sucked his teeth.

"Want some?" Rihanna asked. "He can't have none." Sean, Kevin and Kanye said at the same time. She looked confused. "Why? You're always drinking."

"He taaaaaken!" Kevin dragged. Rihanna rolled her eyes and poured me a shot. "Take it."

Kevin placed his elbow on the table and leaned in to look at me. "Let's play a game." Kevin said. I sighed knowing that this wasn't going to be good. I drank the shot Rihanna poured and placed it back on the table. "What's the game?"

"Let's see how many girl's numbers we can get."

"Kevin, we can get any girl's number. Desperation is in the air." I said. That made them laugh but Sean got up and walked to a dark skin girl and sat next to her. We watched and it didn't look like it was going so well.

Sean came back. "You get it?" Kevin asked. He sucked his teeth. "No."

Rihanna got up and walked to her. We all "oo-ed" and she shoo-ed us away with her hand. The girl didn't talk to her when she saw her and Rihanna walked straight back. "She too fan girl." She said sitting back down. I laughed knowing that was a lie.

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