Chapter 19: Surprise Visit**'

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Chapter 19: Surprise Visit**'


     I placed my fingers into Bey's hair laying my head back on the head board. She climbed unto me around the middle of the night and laid right on top of me. I don't know how she managed to do that since her legs are still very frail.  I situated my hand into her shirt, kneading her back. I loved touching my woman like this. Just caressing her and touching her body soothes me. Her body was like milk in my hands.

I brought my hands down to her thighs and began to give them firm grips while kissing her cheeks. She groaned a little but pecked me on my forehead. "Is it morning?" She sheepishly asked. I nodded and she did a lazy moan trying to go back to sleep. I wrapped my arms around her as she laid on me. "Get up...It's ten a.m." I told her. She yawned "You're point?" She mumbled. I chuckled. "Let's get your light skinned ass in the shower."

"No..." She whispered. I rolled my eyes about to pick her up, that's when she shot up. "No! Do not make me go shower now! I just got up!" She complained. "I'm in charge. Not you."

"Carter, baby..Please let me go back to sleep..." She tried to implore me. "Bey, you've slept almost all day yesterday and today."

She pouted and I exhaled. "Bey stop doing that with your lip." I entreated. She kept it that way and I groaned. "Oh alright, five more minutes." I said, finally giving in.  "Ten." She said with a smile. "Don't push it."

She chuckled and laid her head back on my chest. "Okay Pop Pop. Five minutes"

I laughed along with her. "That's right fatfat.." I muttered. She giggled. "You love this fatfat." I chuckled "Yes I do."

She grinned against my skin. "Rub me again, please.." She said. "No need for the please.." I placed my hands around her side's bringing my hands up and down on her body trying to make her fall back asleep. It wasn't too long until she had finally gone into her slumber.


     I already gave Bey a shower along with washing her hair because she was bleating on how filthy it looked but in my opinion looked pretty fine.

I was sitting on the dining table. Sharon's sister had picked her up for her appointment to make sure she is healing as she is supposed to while Hailey, Jayleen and Kyle were at the park across the street.

"Carter..." I heard her call from the living room. "Yes?"

"Come one second.."

I placed my phone down on the table and walked towards her. "What's up?" I asked. She had her phone on her thigh looking down at it. "I forgot to tell you that Solange texted me yesterday.." She said softly. I slid on the couch, sitting on the arm. "What did she say?"

"Dad has been trying to get in contact with me." when she said that, she looked up at me and I raised an eyebrow.

"So call him." I suggested.

She sighed and placed her elbow on my thigh looking up at me. "Carter, I know my father. He's going to want to see me in person."

I looked down at her...."What's wrong with that?"

She rested her chin on her knuckles and shook her head at me. "He's going to see me using crutches and ask what happened. I'm going to have to tell him and he'll get angry at me because we've been having sex before marriage. Apparently it's a sin."

I had now caught on to what she was saying. "Babe, I think he has an idea that we were having sex, I mean...How could we not?"

She rolled her eyes after me and took a deep breath before closing her eyes and moving her lips as if she was counting. "Am I saying something wrong that made you start to count to calm yourself down?"  I asked. She glanced at me after a while. "You're not helping. Just leave..." She took her elbow off of me and continued to look at her phone. I sat next to her and placed my arm around her shoulder. "I'm sorry baby. Just explain to me. I'm sorry."

Married to my boss**' : 2014✔️Where stories live. Discover now