Chapter 16: Coney Island**'

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Chapter 16: Coney Island**'


      I was woken up by Beyoncé's body. She was laying down on me but she kept rocking me back and forth. I opened my eyes and she pinched my chest. "Bey!" I whispered loudly. She chuckled a bit and stopped rocking me. "I have to pee.." She said. I was about to ask her why couldn't go by herself but then I remembered her painful situation.

I sat up holding her and picking her up. Her legs dangled by mines and I walked into the bathroom pulling down her night shorts and panties, opening the toilet seat, setting her on it. I leaned back on the wall and she patted her finger nails on her thighs looking around the bathroom. "What time is it?" she asked. I shrugged, "The sun is up. Should be around seven." I said. When I heard her peeing stop, I took some toilet paper and handed it to her. She wiped very lightly and softly and other it in the trash.

I picked her back up and pulled up her shorts before placing her by the sink making her wash her hands. "Carter, this is really making me feel disabled." She whispered. I sighed. "I'm sorry you feel that way baby."

She huffed and dried her hands. I carried her back into our room and placed her on the bed laying behind of her. "Carter, I love you." She said. I turned on my back and closed my eyes. "Why are you saying that?" I asked. "Because it's true." I huffed a little and placed my arms behind of my head. "I love you too."

"Why'd you have to say it like that?"

"Like what?"

She rolled on her left side to look at me. "Almost as if you're only saying that because I said it first.." She whispered. I turned on my right side so now we were facing each other. "I loooooooove you" I dragged. That made her laugh and she puckered her lips. I pecked her lips about four times before making it turn into a kiss. We kissed for about seven seconds until I pulled away.

"My breath must be really disgusting. Let me go brush first and we can continue." I said sliding out of the bed. She chuckled. "So you think that mines don't smell bad as well?"

I shook my head. "Yours is perfectly fine. I'm the one that smells like shit." I said. We both chuckled and I walked towards the bathroom turning the knob but it was locked. I leaned back on the door for a few and I heard the person flush, and wash they're hands. They opened the door and I saw Sharon with her crutches underneath her shoulders helping her to walk back into her room. "Need help?" I asked. She shook her head very swiftly. "I'm fine."

I walked into the bathroom and began to brush my teeth, and gurgling listerine after. I placed my tooth brush back and walked back in our room. I laid next to her again.

"I'm back.." I said. She chuckled and opened her eyes. "I know, the whole bed went down as soon as you laid down" She told me. I turned to look at her and pulled her nose. "Oh shut up." I said. She grinned and I wrapped my arm around her. "Can you feel your legs now?" I asked. She nodded and started to wiggle her toes. "I can. But, it's harder than it used to be."

"Can you walk?"

She shook her head. "I tried before I woke you up, I forgot about my condition and tried to get out of the bed but fell down. I was saying your name but you didn't wake up."

"How'd you get back up?" I asked. "My arms."I sighed and she nudged her face into my chest. "I'm sorry." I whispered. She dragged her leg unto mines and I began to rub it. "It's okay."

We laid like this for a few as I rubbed my arms around her legs. "Does this hurt?" She shook her head. "No, it feels really good. Please continue."

Married to my boss**' : 2014✔️Where stories live. Discover now