Chapter 21: Nicole**'

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Chapter 21: Nicole?**'


      Loud rambling noises formed from in the living room while I moved my leg across of Carter's resting my head on his chest. I was trying to go back in my slumber. Unfortunately I could not because of Kyle's loud shouting and Jayleen's basketball. I huffed and climbed off of him, seeing Sharon on our bed with her phone, scrolling. "Good Morning." I told her. She looked at me, "Morning."

I took hold of my crutches and made my way to the living room part of the hotel. "HEY HEY!!" I yelled. Watching Jayleen hit the basketball against the wall and Kyle hitting his baseball.

My voice was a waste of time though, Hailey was playing her music very loud, so none of them heard me. I looked at Hailey as she clenched her fists and bent her head low, moving her arms. "About a week ago, week ago. Fuck with us and then we tweaking hoe tweaking hoe.." She rapped along.

What sort of bullshit is she listening to!? Today's generation..

I huffed and made my way to Jayleen clapping my hands. "GO OUTSIDE IF YOU WANT TO PLAY BALL! PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!!!" I yelled. They had all jumped and Hailey stopped her music very quickly and it became quiet. I mumbled a "Thank you.." and  Kyle and Jayleen had walked outside while Hailey placed in her head phones.

I was making my way back to my bedroom but my mother had walked out with a robe on. "Morning Hun.." She said, rubbing her eyes. I froze, in shock that she was up so early. I didn't want her to see me with my crutches...But, I have no choice now.

Damn, Kids!

When she had stopped rubbing them and looked at me. She popped her eyes opened. "BEYONCÉ why are you using crutches??!!" She yelled.

I gripped them tightly, swinging my both feet and looking down. "I'm playing with Sharon's own?" I said in a questioning way, she noticed my lying very well though. "Beyoncé if you do not explain this to me right now!"

I huffed and Carter walked out of the room, with his phone is his hand. He walked by us "Okay, what's going on?" he asked, being stupid. "What did you do to my daughter!?" My mom asked, eyeing him down. Carter looked at my crutches and huffed. I looked at my mother with a raised eyebrow. "Mom, Carter did nothing--"

"It was my fault Mrs. Knowles.." Carter had said, cutting me off completely.

I looked at him and he sighed and began to tell her the story. Everything about him wanting a baby, to me not wanting to give him one, to when we had sex when he came home late, to the point where I have my womb blocked for hopefully a few months.

When he was done explaining, my mother was furious. Her hands were cuffed as she stared at him. "You broke my daughter's womb!!!!?" She yelled. Carter passed a hand around my waist, holding it tight and mentally begging me to help him.

"Don't yell at him ma...He didn't do it on purpose...It's no one's fault.."

My mom looked at us both and took a deep breath before walking back inside the room and closing it shut.

I looked at Carter, who was already staring me down. He walked towards me, placing his hands behind his back.

"Great..." He mumbled, sarcastically of course. I sighed, "I didn't know she'd come out and besides the children were really loud."

He looked at Hailey and back at me. "I understand..."

"Carter, I didn't do it on purpose..." He walked away and sat down next to Hailey. I huffed and carried myself back into the room.

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