Chapter 10: Whose calling?**'

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Chapter 10: Whose calling?**'


        Carter looked at me as if I had done something wrong and sat up unwrapping his arms from around my waist. He took his eyes off of me and looked at Hailey was now nervously tapping her white acrylic nails on her thighs. Silence filled the room for about three minutes, until Carter began to speak "Whose the father?" he asked. She cleared her throat. "Kendall."

Carter moved back towards the head board and gripped my thighs with his hands tight, imagining as if my thighs were Kendall. I screeched and Carter looked at her and I saw that his eyes were filled with anger. He hopped off the bed. "Where does he live!?" he asked her slightly yelling.

She gulped. "Daddy, it's my fault. I--"

"HAILEY WHERE DOES HE LIVE!?" he yelled cutting her off.

I sat up and motioned my hand towards him. "Carter, calm down.." I whispered. He ignored me "Where does he live?" he asked her again. "A block away from here.." She said softly pinning herself on the wall.

Carter went to the room Kyle was in and grabbed his baseball bat.

"I'm going over there right now." He hissed about to walk through the door. "Shawn stop!" I said jumping off the bed as well. Hailey stood there scared as ever and I held one of his hands that weren't occupied with the baseball bat.

"Bey, please let me go. I have to go do something important."

"And get yourself in jail? I don't think so..." I told him. "If you love me, you'd let me go." I shook my head. "Carter, I love you. But, I'm not letting you go over there to hit someone's child with a baseball bat!" He rolled his eyes.. "Bey, let go.." He said with authority. I huffed. "No." I said even though I was a bit intimidated by him.

I was definitely not going to let Carter go and hit someone else's child with a baseball bat. No...I'm not going to let that happen. I know they made a mistake but Kendall wasn't the only one who got her pregnant. She was also involved. I'm not saying what he did wasn't wrong but it takes two to...You know.

He looked at Hailey. "Bey, let me go.." He said softer. I held his hand tighter and he dropped the bat down. "I won't go.."

I bent down and picked the bat up and released his hand. He kept looking at Hailey. "How dare you.." He whispered. She pressed herself unto the wall more and Carter sighed. "I knew you were sexually active. I just thought you were smart enough to use protection." when he said that Kyle came and jumped on my back trying to tackle me to get his bat.

"Here..Here..." I said trying to get him off. He laughed and took it from me. When he reached the floor he looked at his father and sister "What's going on?" he asked holding his bat behind his back.

No one answered him so he tugged the pocket of my pants. "Bey, what's wrong?" he asked. I looked at Carter who was staring at Hailey and she was looking straight at him. "Nothing.. Come on, let's go play baseball" I whispered even though I have no idea how to play and picked him up walking to his room for the ball and going outside.


        I kept shaking my head at her and she sighed. I'm so sorry dad." She said softly looking a bit scared. "Hailey you have no idea how disappointed I am in you."

She didn't say anything.

I paced the room slowly and placed my hands in my pockets. "I really trusted you. You're the oldest." I said. She huffed and was about to talk but I hushed her up. "Don't say anything. I can't believe you!" I practically yelled.

Married to my boss**' : 2014✔️Where stories live. Discover now