Chapter 26: Wedding Shopping

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Chapter 26: Wedding Shopping


        I placed my hand unto the counter very quietly. I was waiting on the wedding associate to carry on with my suit. Lately, Beyonce has been busy so I've been the one ordering the bride's maid dresses and my black and white Tom Ford suit. Not by myself of course. Her friend Kelly was with me along with her mother. They were going to help me pick out a solid color. One that was good for the wedding, according to them I can't pick it out myself. Even though Bey said that she wanted blue. 

        In a minute or two the woman had given me my receipt. "They will be in by tomorrow." she told me. I looked over at Kelly who was now doing all of the talking. I was becoming antagonized. I wanted to get  on with this and to go home to be next to my fiance. The main reason why she isn't here today is becaue she has been tired because of so much work. Maybe the next time she will be here with me....Hopefully. 

"Jay, have you gotten the ring?" Kelly questioned. I shook my head "No. I was thinking about going in one of those wedding magazines and ordering two. I didn't really want to buy one from a local store." I explained. She nodded her head in understanding and walked with me along with Mother Tina. "Have you asked Bey what color she wanted the brides maid dresses to be?" Mother Tina spoke to me. I nodded "Yes, she said that she wanted blue."

"Okay.." she stated. "Where are you planning on the wedding to be? Does she know where she wanted it?" Kelly asked. I did a low chuckle. "Yes she does. She has always wanted to get married in a chamber."

They both smiled and nodded they're heads. "What about the honey moon?" Mother Tina questioned. I raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "I was thinking about a private cruise ship. Just us both."


        "Shawn Shawn Shawn Shawn....Baby Baby Baby Baby...SHAWN!!!!!" Beyonce cheered and ran over to me jumping into my arms. I laughed and rolled my eyes, hugging her waist. "Where have you been!" she complained. I chuckled "Some where.."

She wrapped her legs around me and buried her head into my neck. "Duh, but I meant where silly." she chucked. I smiled and held her tightly. "That's my little secret." I pointed out. She raised her right eye brow. "Secret eh?" she questioned before making her way to the kitchen. She then leaned against the sink, letting her stripped panties show. I looked down at her as she looked back at me. I made a move towards her, about to touch what I placed a ring on, but she smacked my hand. "You have a secret..." she announced. I chuckled "Baby, are you serious?" I questioned.

Before she could've answered Kyle ran through the kitchen into the living room flying his helicopter. "Dad look!" I looked up in the air and chuckled at his excitement, letting loose of Bey. "I'm looking, Im looking." I stated, following him out of the house unto the yard. Beyonce followed us and hopped on my back along the way. Kyle ran all around the yard flying his helicopter while we looked at him. I gripped Bey's legs tight and she leaned down towards my ear.

"Can I tell you something?" she asked in a whispering tone. I nodded my head "Yes, you can." I replied. "I'm kind of......horny right now." 

I chuckled and she leaned in closer. "Babe, I'm serious as hell right now. I've been waiting for you all day. I didn't get a chance to please myself because of the kids." she explained. "Baby, I know you're serious. On a scale from 1-10 how bad do you want it?" 

She groaned. "Shawn, I'm passed 10...I can't hold it anymore. I will tear you a part right now, right here.." she told me matter-a-factly. "You know that wouldn't be a bad idea...."


I laughed "Alright, but when I wanted to do it in the kitche...You smacked my hand" I said. She rolled her eyes. "I don't care." she replied. I laughed loudly and told Kyle that we were going into the house. He looked back and waved at us and we waved back.

I placed Bey on the floor and immediately made a run for it, she ran after me and damn she was faster than I thought. By the time I ran inside and up the steps she crashed me in the hallway, shutting the door that separated it from the rest of the house. "Look, you need to stop playing games." she cried out. I laughed "Babe, I'm not playing. At least let me go into our bedroom."

She shook her head. "No. Give it to me...Right here...Right now." She began to take off her top and I definitely did not refuse.


Author's Note:

This book is almost done. :)
20+ comments for another chapter


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