Chapter 09: I'm pregnant dad**'

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Chapter 09: I'm pregnant dad**'


         I burst through the doors and I saw Carter running right behind me. I sighed and stopped walking waiting for him to ask me a question that I knew was coming.

When he reached next to me he huffed. "Babe, I'm sorry." He said. I just looked at him while the tears that was dried up on my face soon got wet for the ones that were now flowing against it.

"What do you mean you can't give me what I want? What's wrong with you?" he asked wiping my tears away. I sighed and he reached out to hug me. I began to hug him back and cried on his shoulder softly. "Babe, you gotta tell me what's wrong. Maybe I can help.." He whispered  in my ear.

"You have already done too many damage." I said quietly. He hugged me tighter. "I'm so sorry love, I don't know what cam  over me. I love you so much, I wouldn't want to do anything that'll hurt you anymore. I'm done with it all. I'm so damn sorry babe."

I wrapped my arms across his neck and he rubbed my back. "Mind on telling me what happened to you?" he asked in a hush tone. I sighed and took a deep breath. "My womb is shut." I confessed. He placed his hands on my shoulder lifting up my head to look at him. "What does that mean?" he sounded like he knew what it meant but he was hoping that it wasn't what it was.

I felt my throat begin to crack up a little. "I can't make children." I told him feeling my eyes get watery again. I looked straight at him and noticed that his brown saddened and forgiving eyes turned into worry and guilt. He licked his lips and looked at the floor for a while. "So, is that why you kept dodging the question?" he asked.

I nodded and he huffed before bringing me back into a hug. "I'm so stupid sometimes.." He mumbled into my neck before giving it a peck. I sighed and he held my hands. "How did it shut?" )

"Sex, cancer, or aids." I whispered. He shook his head. "Aids is definitely out of it, and I'd hate to ever think that it's cancer. It can't be, it won't be, so it came down to sex..." He said.

I buried my head into his chest. "When was the last time we had sex?" he asked. "The day you came home drunk."  He cleared his throat. "Uhm, baby, you're going to have to be more specific."

I rolled my eyes and lifted my head off of his chest. "When Kelly's number was written on your arm." I said. He thought for a while and remembered. "Oh, did I really hurt you?"

"Carter, I didn't feel anything, I don't remember feeling anything slack, and I didn't feel anything move. You didn't hurt me, but you broke something. Unfortunately, something that I need."

He sighed and gripped my hands tighter. "I'm so sorry, but baby listen. Child or no child I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He whispered and kissed my forehead. I nodded. "I'm sorry too."

"Why are you sorry?" he questioned. "I'm sorry for making you feel like I didn't care.." I said. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "I know you care, you'll always care. I can see it in your eyes."

I gave him a small smile and he kissed my cheek. "Can I  be fixed?" he whispered. I nodded. "I'm fixing it this Saturday." I told him. He pressed me unto him and I placed my hands on his shoulders. "I love you so much.." He told me.

I licked my lips and smiled a little. "I love you too..."

"Can I have the honor to kiss where no one else has kissed tonight?" I grinned and nodded. "You do.."

He pecked my lips three times and he gave me a full teeth smile. I pressed my thumb unto his freckles and chuckled.


I already packed my bags from my one night in my hotel and moved back to the hotel we were in. I laid against the bed with Hailey next to me and Carter was at the end where our feet were. My feet were on his thighs and he was dragging his hands against them.

"Carter I wanted to ask you a question since last week." I said. "What is it?"

"Why was Sharon here?" I asked. He shrugged. "I don't know. I never told her to come."

Me and Carter looked at Hailey. "She came to say Hi. That's all that she did. But, she was in here.." She said. I scratched behind my head. "Why did you let her in our room?"

She shrugged. "She didn't go with anything."

I sat up. "It doesn't mean that she hadn't been searching.." I whispered. "You already won the trial Bey, she can't bring you back to court. Besides, didn't she apologize?"

I laid back down. "Yes, she did."

Carter stopped playing with my legs and crawled behind of me. "Bey, I asked you a question earlier that you didn't answer." He said. "What was the question?"

Me and Hailey looked at him. "Okay, you can not get pregnant, so why did one of the pregnancy tests read positive?" he asked.

I side eyed Hailey and she turned on her side. Carter wrapped an arm around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

Hailey climbed off of the bed. "Hails…" Carter called. She turned around. "Yes daddy?"

"I've noticed a change in you...What's going on?" he questioned. She sighed and passed her fingers through her long curly hair. "Dad, I'm sorry." She whispered.

Carter pulled me in tighter. "What is she talking about?" he asked me. "What are you talking about?" he asked her. I turned on my stomach and Carter flipped me back over on my back. "One of you need to start talking."

Hailey huffed and cracked her fingers one by one. She became teary eyed.

"I'm one month pregnant dad."



I told ya'll I was busy soooo..don't blame me for the cliff hanger or the shortness lol. :)


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