Chapter 11: Someone is at Los Angeles Staples Center**'

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Chapter 11: Someone is at Los Angeles Staples Center**'


           Beyoncé laid her head on my chest and I began to play with her hair. "Hello." I said answering Hailey's phone. It was Kendall. "Hello, whose this?" he asked. I rolled my eyes at his not yet so deep voice. "You called this number." I said.

"Mr. Carter?"

Beyoncé began to kiss my chest. I chuckled because I'd always do something like that when she was on the phone. "What you want kid?"

He cleared his throat.  "Can I speak to Hailey please?" he asked. "Hell fucking no. Why are you calling her so late at night!?"

"Shh.." Bey whispered. I ignored her and tugged on her hair. She pouted and I chuckled "Mr. Carter, it is important."

I sucked my teeth. "If it's so important give me the message. I will tell her tomorrow morning." I said. He sighed. "Mr. Carter."

"You are not going to speak to my daughter." I said in the calmest voice I could use. I heard Bey's phone ring and she turned on her side reaching out for it. "Mr. Carter, please.."

"She's sleeping boy!" I practically yelled and looked at Beyoncé's screen noticing that Trey was calling her. She slid answer and climbed off of the bed walking to the corner and going behind the curtains.

Part of me wanted to grab her phone but, I didn't. "Mr. Carter, I really do need to talk to your daughter." I sighed, "Come here." I said. He grunted a bit and let out a sigh. "Mr. Carter."

"Is that all you can say!? Get your ass over here!" I heard him huff. "Yes Sir.."

I hung up her phone and placed it back on the counter. I noticed that Bey was getting dressed. "Where are you going?" I asked her leaning back on the head board.

She turned around to look at me with her shoulder pressing the phone unto her ear while she jumped into some jeans. "Someone is at Staples Center, and it's not my team." She answered me and walked to grab her purse.

"Well, you can't go by yourself." I said getting up. She ignored me and continued to talk to Trey. I sucked my teeth at her lack of attention to me and looked at her sports bra, that was showing underneath her see through shirt.

"I think you should change that.." I said. Once again she looked back at me but continued to talk on the phone. "Yeah, Yeah.. I'm on my way" she said. I rolled my eyes and she hung up and placed her phone in her back pocket.

"Change your shirt." I said. She took the keys off of the counter. "I don't have time for any of that." She told me. She was about to walk out.

"You can't go by yourself."

She looked back at me. "Whose going to stay here with the children? And you are expecting someone." with that she left and closed the door behind her.

"When I call you answer!!" I yelled after her. I could hear her responding with an "Okay baby."

I sighed and hopped on the bed laying down.


          I got out of the car and noticed that the door was opened. Trey was standing by the door and I walked towards him. "He's in there." He told me. "I'm not going in there call the cops." I whispered

"He said that he knows you.."

I placed my hands on my hips. "You talked to him, yet you call me here!? What sort of bullshit!" I whispered in a yelling way and ran my fingers through my hair. "He said his name was Jayson...He wasn't stealing anything."

Married to my boss**' : 2014✔️Where stories live. Discover now