Chapter 14: Beyoncé's Surgery**'

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Chapter 14: Beyoncé's Surgery**'


I was in the middle of hopping out of my tight clothing when the door opened. I looked back and Trey walked in hopping unto the couch in his change of clothes.

We've already hung with a few fans.

I stayed in my nude bra walking to the back. "Did I tell you that you could come in?" I asked with a smile taking a t-shirt off of the rack. He chuckled a bit and placed his hands behind his head. I un-zipped the rest of the dress myself and stood there in my under garments before placing my t-shirt on.

I stood there in my panties walking around him towards my shorts. "Hey Trey.." I started off. "Hm?"

"Why were you touching me like that out there. You know Carter's is not going to be so excited when it comes out on blue-ray." I was still looking for my shorts. "There's nothing wrong with making the audience more excited." He said.

"No, you touched me all over. On my thighs was expected because I mean, it was all on you, but my butt and in between my breasts? He's going to kill me."

"Hey where is Shawn?" he asked. I turned around to face him and he was laying there swirling my shorts on his index finger. I grabbed it from him and he chuckled. "Where is he?" he asked a second time. "He's at the hospital making sure someone's surgery goes on fine." I answered him and hopped into my shorts. "Who is that person?"

"You don't know her." I walked to the mirror and brushed my hair up into a pony tail. "It's a her?" he began to laugh. I looked at him through the mirror. "What?"

He smirked, "Shouldn't he be here celebrating for your last show. He knows there's an after party after this."

I shrugged, "It was an emergency. Besides I'm not going to the after party." I said and began to wipe away all of my makeup. "Why not?"

"I have a big day ahead of me, I'm going to need some sleep." He pouted and I turned around giving him a half smile. "You know this is my last time seeing you."

I pouted along with him. "I know."

He opened his arms for a hug and walked to him and gave him one. He squeezed me tight and I chuckled. "I'm going to miss you, these days been mighty long love.."

I nodded in agreement and the hug drifted just a little bit. He began to lean in and gripped my waist tight. I kept my eyes open. In a few seconds I felt his lips on my lips. He gave me little kisses until I eventually fell into sync with his, but as soon as I heard our lips smack I pulled away from him and took up my bag.

"I have to get some sleep...Uh, text me..." I placed my hand behind my head very awkwardly and walked out of my own dressing room, shaking my head very fast mentally cursing myself out for letting that happen.

***The Next Day / Carter (2:15 p.m.)

I leaned on the chair of the hospital resting my hand on my forehead waiting for one of the nurses to keep me up to date with what was happening to Sharon, but neither did. I didn't sleep at all last night. I couldn't.

I rocked back and forth in my seat and my phone buzzed, I got a text. I took it out and the word "Babe" popped up on the screen. As lazy as I was I had to answer, if I didn't she'd go off and I do not have time to argue.

"Hello?" I said once I answered. "Carter..." She whispered. "Mhm?"

"How much more time does Sharon have in there?" she asked. I slid down in the chair. "A few more hours.." She sighed, "I'm heading to the hospital now."

Married to my boss**' : 2014✔️Where stories live. Discover now