Chapter 06: Do you even want a child with me?**'

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Chapter 06: Do you even want a child with me?**'


       I raised my head from his shoulder and sighed. "I'm not pregnant..." I whispered. He wrapped his arms around me, "Did the test say that or are you saying that."

"The test did.."

He grunted and sat back. "I feel like you don't want a child with me. I mean, honestly. I had to throw those pills away from you the other day." He said. I didn't say anything. He sighed. "B, do you want a baby with me?" He asked. I nodded."Yes I do.."

"Then why are you acting like that!? You get mad whenever I release into you, when I didn't use a condom and when I cancelled you're little appointment to tie your tubes!!"  He yelled.

I huffed and rested my head back unto his shoulder. "I love you.." I whispered. "Oh Get the fuck off!" He pushed me off of him really hard and I landed on the floor with my head hitting the wall.

He got up and walked to the back. I held my head. "Carter, what the hell!?!" I yelled. He sucked his teeth. I gripped the chair handle and brought myself up.

I sat down on the couch and began to pull down my skin toned stockings. I heard him mumble a few things but I couldn't hear him. He was really pissing me off.

"What the fuck do you want from me!?!" I yelled. He grunted. "What kind of damn question is that!? Beyoncé I want fucking trust." He said turning around.

"I do trust you!"

"No, You don't. You think that I'm going to go clubbing and leave you with our child." He told me. I stood up. "Of course I'll think that! You're already leaving me with three kids that aren't mine! Every damn day."

I flung my stockings at his face and punched his shoulder the hardest I could. "That's for pushing me down."

He grunted and threw my stockings right back at me before gripping my shoulders tightly making me shake.

"You know, now I see why Sharon left you."

That just made him even more mad and he pushed me towards the table that was filled with hair supplies. I looked at him with my eyes opened wide.

"So that's what you're going to do? Fling me around whenever I don't give you what you want?" I asked. He sucked his teeth. "I hate that you can be a real fucking bitch when you're ready." He said.

"Carter, is that all you can call me whenever we argue!? Tell me something I don't know!"  He grunted. "You know what, Fuck you!!!" he yelled really loud. I threw my leotard on the floor.

"Shawn, I'm done." I took off my engagement ring and pitched it after him. He caught it and sighed. I thought he'd apologize but instead he took the promise ring I gave him and threw it right at my face. It hit my forehead.

I balled up my fist and punched his chest hard making him fall back into my hanger of clothing. I quickly got dressed in my shorts and tank top with flip flops before taking my bag along with my phone and car keys.

I opened the door and walked down the hall really fast, Frank saw me. "Beyoncé you have to go meet your fans." He said gesturing at Trey who was sitting and waiting for me while the fans stood behind the rope going crazy.

"I can't do it." I whispered. He sighed. "Beyoncé, your fans paid for the both of you, not only you."

I looked back at them and they went even more crazy when they saw my face. I gripped my purse and walked back down the hall taking a seat next to Trey. Frank walked next to us and the guards dropped the rope.

Married to my boss**' : 2014✔️Where stories live. Discover now