Chapter 23: Being able to walk**'

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Chapter 23: Being able to walk.

Beyoncé Point of View:

     I backed myself unto the head board, clenching my walking stick with my dear life.

"Shawn...You wouldn't." I huffed out, closing my eyes and shaking my head side to side. "You wouldn't..." I repeatedly stated, over and over again. .

"I wouldn't?" he mysteriously said...not in a questioning manner but more of a stating way. Looking at Shawn like this was not pleasurable..It wasn't what I was expecting to see..

My attributes were to yell after him since he left without giving me a standard answer, and to refuse one scent of his clothing next to me in bed.

"Beyoncé...Let me see those pretty eyes." he pleaded. I had opened my eyes and he stood by the door, still holding the door knob from when he closed the door on Sharon. I heard him huff and I became startled.

"Babe, now you know I'd never do anything to hurt you..." he said in a soft way...

Beyoncé it's a trick! My mind quickly patrolled.

"Baby, come here..."

I sure did hesitate to make one effort of an inch, but I did it anyhow. In a matter of two seconds, I found myself in the embrace of his warm feature.

"I'm sorry Love..." he whispered. If I wasn't still so scared, I would have let him go and have a cowardly feast of death, but I found this way better.


     "Bey…" I heard the voice of Hailey heathen. I sat up very sternly with a look of 'what the hell do you want.'

"You need to get a shower, your doctor is coming in a few."

I huffed and puffed, until I blew that little girl out.

Can't she see that I am trying to sleep?


I looked underneath me and noticed that my head was laid upon Carter's chest. Immediately, I sat up and glanced at the bare wall, crossing my arms very diligently.

"Babe, look...I'm sorry about last night. You know how I get when I start to drink. Please forgive me."

"Forgive you for wanting to molest my ass?" I questioned, being very serious, but to him it was very funny. Only a peep or chuckles I heard sing out of his mouth.

"You find this funny." I squinted my eyes now, still staring at that blank wall. "No, it's not funny. Come, let me hug you.."

I felt his body come up behind me and he hugged me from the back, placing his head on top of my shoulder. "I love you so much...These Remy Martin are just getting in the way of my affection."

If I wasn't mad, I swore...I would have laughed at that statement.

"You know what, it's cool. I'm alright." I said. I was about to get off of the bed but he pulled me closer. "It's alright? You sure.."

I nodded my head "Yeah...You're just never going out with your clique ever again without me around.."

He chuckled and pecked  my neck "I can't argue with that.."

I slid off of the bed and stood up before stretching, then I made my way to the living room. "Babe..." I heard Carter call. I growled nonchalantly. "What Shawn.."

I heard his foot steps behind me and it stopped in a few "You're walking without your crutches."

When he had said that, I looked down at my legs. Amused. Wow..

I began to march in place; just to make sure. I looked back at Shawn and he had a smile on his face. "I'm coming back.." he evidently stated, a giant smile still planted. With that, he left and I was alone in the hall.

"Bey..." I heard Sharon's voice say. I looked back and she was there with a phone in her hand. "I just wanted to say a warm thank you, to the both of you. Shawn...And yourself. For letting me stay here and get back on my feet...It was definitely a good solution. I can't thank you two enough.."

I turned around completely "Where are you going Sharon?"

"My sister has been trying to buy me a house, or rent. Now she has found something and I have to go..I don't want to hog you up with your new family."

I pouted. Even though Sharon was a pain in the ass, it was a pleasure to have another woman around.

"I'm going to miss you..." I honestly said. She aw'd before walking to give me a hug. "You should tell Carter you're leaving." I suggested.

She shook her head. "If I do, he'll say something to make me stay. My mind is already made up and I've told my children goodbye already."

I huffed "Okay Shar.." I said, mocking the nickname Carter would call her. She chuckled and held her crutches tight to her waist looking me up and down. "Where's your crutches?"/

I smiled brightly with a bit of a shrug "Looks like I don't need em'"

She smiled back and nodded "I'm glad you're better."

After she said that, I watched her walk into the guest hotel room, taking out a suit case before leaving the hotel...Disappearing.

When Sharon left, Carter came in with my crutches and a pill.

I rolled my eyes "I don't want my crutches anymore..."

He chuckled and placed it to the side walking in front of me. Carter lifted up my shirt half way and slid my underwear to the side. Without my permission; he began examining it.

"Carter, my doctor is coming in a few so release."

He looked up at me while I looked down at him. "Carter."

He placed his arms around my legs and brought me high up. "What are you doing?"

He had done absolutely nothing but chuckle. Before I knew it, I was placed into a warm bath placed with sub stones.


    My doctor had already came and announced that I am perfectly healed. Thank God. It's been exactly 3 months. Tomorrow is when I will have to go to the hospital for another X-Ray so Dr. Phil can tell me if I can be able to bare children or not. I am allowed to have sex.

      Hailey had walked in on me while I was rocking back and forth on my bed. "Bey..." She whispered softly. I looked at her and she smiled showing her non-blemish face perfectly.

"How are you pumpkin?"

She shrugged and waddled over to the bed, in a little bit she was right between my legs and my hand was on her stomach. "What did the doctor say?" She had asked. I smiled, I had enough to smile about. I can now walk, and I can now have sex and I'm alive? That's enough for me to bow down at an alter.

"He said that I am healed. All we have to find out is if I can bare children."

She nodded and sighed after a few. "Are you okay?"

She nodded, but dropped her head low after a few. "What's wrong?"

"It's sad to know that I can bare children..I'm younger than you and I'm having a baby, when you're struggling for one. It's not fair." She stated. I have never looked at it in that way. "Hails, it's fine. Everything happened for a reason."

If I still can not bare children. If Carter keeps getting drunk. If I won't actually be married to my boss.

Unhappiness still won't be an option.


20+ comments for another update

ha, this was chapter 23...Michael Jordan. I'm so lame.

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