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The sound of locks clicking filled Sydney's ears as she waited for her 'best friend' to open the door. When it pulled back a confused Look fell over Shanice's face.

"Girl shouldn't you be in bed resting! You just had a baby!" Shanice said while letting Sydney in. "A damn c-section."

"Just wanted to come visit my best friend." A fake big smile peeled across Sydney's face before walking into the living room and sitting down.

"I'm shocked Chris let you out the house."

Chris thinks Sydney is out getting pads. "I told him I needed some fresh air."

"Oh, okay. How's the baby, how's mother hood?"

"Great, I'm happy that I have Chris."


Sydney caught the look on her face when Chris was mentioned. "I don't want to be out too long so I want to ask you a few things."


"So you found out about the situation, Chris and I had?"

She nodded. "I'm trying to figure out why you didn't say anything to me about it. He had you hostage Syd."

"I didn't tell you because it's none of your business."

"He's crazy and you need to leave him."

"Who put that in your head? Trey? And he wasn't too crazy when you decided to rub your hands all over him, right?"

"He told you that I did that?"

"Yes He did."

"And you believed that?" Shanice laughed. "You know his track record, the man is still stalking his ex, he's told Trey that I was sexy, he came on to me."

"Oh did he?"


"And if this happened why didn't you immediately call me and tell me what the fuck happened? You're my so called best friend, why not pick up the phone and tell me that my fiancé made a pass at you?"

"You just had a baby, the last thing I wanted to do was tell you something like that."

"Bullshit! That man walked right in the damn door and told me what the hell happened. If he would've made a pass at you, his lips would've been sealed until the shit blew up in his face. Why the hell would you do some shit like that?" Sydney was not at the edge of her seat. She was not only pissed off but hurt at the fact that her best friend since she was knee high would do something like this.

"I was helping Trey! He's been trying his hardest to convince you that Chris is no good, especially after Chris told on him and ruined our wedding."

"That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard! You're helping the man that cheated on you?! You're not doing this for him, you're doing this shit for YOU! And it's fucked up that you're willing to hurt me, somebody that has always had your fucking back even after the bold stunt you pulled during your wedding, inviting every fucking body that hated me. I've always been a good friend to you, never have you had to question my loyalty but I've had to question yours too many times."

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