"I can't believe an idiot like you, stole my heart."
One. Two. Three. Four. Five-
"Penguin, practicing hard?" The voice interrupted. The thought process faltered and the dancer couldn't help but growl at herself. She turned to her brown haired friend, a deadpan face.
"I was until someone interrupted." The dancer sighed, grabbing her towel, "What are you doing here? Don't you have some vocal training to attend to. Unless you escaped to hang out with Tzuyu again."
"Oh c'mon Mina. Don't be like that! I'm never late to training." Sana winked, crossing her arms as if she proved her point. Mina raised an eyebrow, draping the towel around her neck, unimpressed with her friends answer.
"Really? Last week you missed a lesson because Tzuyu was preforming." Mina crossed her arms, her point making its way across. Sana opened her mouth as if to retaliate but no words came out.
With a sigh of defeat, the squirrel slumped her shoulders, "Look, I'm sorry ok? Tzuyu is my baby and I must cheer for her." Sana pouted, sitting on the chair in front of the large mirror.
Mina packed her belongings, "Be careful, don't make Dahyun jealous." She spoke, swinging her bag strap over her shoulders. Sana chuckled, shaking her head at the comment.
"She won't get jealous." Sana answered, her voice filled with confidence.
Mina snickered, "You hang out with girls a little too much, don't be so confident about that." The penguin gestured Sana to stand up considering she was planning to leave the studio.
"And so? Even if I tried to get with Tzuyu, that maknae is dating Thomas the train. And if I pulled a move, Thomas the train will run me over." Sana chuckled, which earned an eye roll from Mina.
"You're over exaggerating. Jihyo doesn't get jealous that easily." Mina scolded, locking the door with her keys. Her father owned the studio so it was technically her second home. She walked out of the tall building, Sana trailing behind her.
"Oh yeah, by the way, Nayeon called." Sana smiled, running in front of Mina. The penguin nodded, returning a gentle smile, "She's back from America!" The squirrel squealed.
Nayeon was a friend of Sana's and she studied abroad for a quite a while so Mina never really got the chance to fully get to know her. "That's good to know."
Sana smirked, "And guess what."
Mina raised an eyebrow, "What?"
The squirrel pretended to gasp, which got a few stares from the people around them, "She's bringing her partner." Sana laughed, "Can you believe it? Nayeon isn't single anymore. When I see her, I'll tease her like crazy."
Mina could only nod at what her friend shared considering she had no idea who Nayeon really was. As she listened to Sana, Mina caught a glimpse of someone sitting on one of the benches, behind her friend.
Luckily they weren't moving so Mina got a pretty good look on the stranger. They were wearing a green oversized long sleeve shirt, black jeans and they even had a black camera bag over their shoulder. Mina couldn't help but stare.
Short brown hair and they seemed to be wearing round glasses. Mina was about to look a little closer at the strangers face but they had already turned their back towards her. Walking off towards the crossing street.
Said person, blinked back to reality, Sana's face right in front of hers, "Yeah?" Mina questioned, realizing now that she was in a trance. Whoever that stranger was must have been really outstanding for Mina to stare at for almost 2 minutes.

Darling, I Love You | MiChaeng✔️
Fanfiction"You're annoying, idiotic and stubborn. I hate you." "Hm, we all know you mean the opposite Ms. Myoui." ~ ©️CubChaeng | Univeristy AU Hope you enjoy this book! Thank you! ?? 12/1/18 - #1 [Tzuyu FF] 6/4/19 - #2 [MiChaeng FF] 9/19/2020 - #1 [girlxgir...