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Knock! Knock!
      Jungkook woke up at the sound of the pounding at the door. He turned to check the time on his phone and it read 8:00 am!! He groaned as it was his day off and the only day he got to sleep in!
He lazily got out of bed when he realized the pounding at the door was never going to stop. He stumbled his way to the door, opening it widely not caring about the fact that he was shirtless and had a bed head.
"Finally you brat!! Do you know how long I was waiting outside knocking on your door!!"Jin complained, inviting himself inside.
"Sorry I-
"Hyung" Jin corrected taking a seat in the nearest sofa.
"Sorry hyung, I forgot about our plans" jungkook explained while shutting the door. "I stayed at the office last night going over new clues to our killer."
"So how is the case going?" Jin asked being a worried brother.
"It's slow but we are getting there" Jungkook yawned as he flopped himself down next to his brother who made a disgusted face.
"Well what are you waiting for?" Jin asked.
"What?" Jungkook asked.
"Go get ready you brat! Are we getting coffee or what!?" Jin scold as he slapped his brother on the head.
"Oh right!" Jungkook chuckled as he dodged the pillow thrown by his brother and disappeared into his room to get ready.

"How's the company going" Jungkook asked taking a sip of coffee from his favorite coffee shop.
"Busy as usual" Jin replied feeling the warmth of the sun hit his soft creamy skin.
Jungkook wasn't surprised by his answer. He knew that the company was always busy and it was the only thing in the way from him bonding with his brother. Ever since Jin inherited the company after the death of their parents, he didn't have time for Jungkook. Jin was always caught up in some business stuff and the boys rarely get to spend time together. Jin hated being away from his little brother, so every chance he got he would go see his baby brother. Jungkook cherished every moment with his brother not knowing when the next time he will get to be with him.

"HELP!! Stop that thief!!" A women yelled pointing at the young man who sprinted away with her wallet.
"Looks like that's your cue" Jin said looking at his brother.
Jungkook quickly chugged down his coffee and sighed deeply before getting up to chase the criminal. "This is supposed to be my day off" he thought to himself as he fasten his pace.
This thief was small and fast but Jungkook was faster with the help of special training from the force. Jungkook was inches away from the thief when the thief quickly turned the corner and entered an abandoned building. Jungkook stopped at the entrance and took out his gun.
"FREEZE!!" Jungkook shouted as he entered the building "put your hands in the air!!"
The thief stopped and turned around slowly revealing his face. He was pale, paler than Jimin and his white-ish blonde hair almost made him look albino if he didn't have dark eyes and brows.
"I said put your hands up!" Jungkook repeated as he stepped closer to the man.
"You want my hands up? As you wish" the man chuckled pulling out a gun from his pocket.
"Put the gun down and no one needs to get hurt" Jungkook steadily said.
"The same goes to you officer" the man replied.
"I'm not the one who stole a wallet" Jungkook snapped back as his finger hovers over the trigger.
"She won't miss it" the man smirked.
His smirk disappeared and his eyes widen. "Watch out!" The man yelled as he pulled the trigger. The bullet flew past Jungkook and killed the man behind him. Jungkook quickly turned around and noticed that there were a gang of men behind him, pointing their guns at him.
"Hide!" The thief shouted as he dragged Jungkook by his collar to save him from the guns that were now firing. They hid behind a fallen table that shielded him from the bullets.
      Jungkook was stunned by the criminal's action to saving him. He stared at the blonde man who was ducking back and forth shooting at the enemy. He was Jungshooked.
     " Well you're a cop aren't you?" The man asked as he ducked down from the cross fire.
     Jungkook nodded as he was still speechless.
    "Then shoot!" The man yelled as he got up to take a shot.
     "Right" Jungkook replied as he realized the situation he was in. He got up and started firing his gun.

      "Shit! I'm out of bullets " the man complained in anger.
       "And it looks like they are too" Jungkook spoke up when he didn't hear any gun shots.
      "Can you fight?" Jungkook asked as he stared into the man's dark eyes.
     "Hell yes I can" the man replied as he understood Jungkook's intentions.
    "Okay on the count of three. One.."
     "Two-three!"The man shouted before getting up from behind the table and starting throwing punches.
     Jungkook face palmed and then joined the fight.

     "I-I think we got all of them"  the man panted, looking down at the bodies laying beneath his feet.
      Jungkook just nodded holding the side of his ribs as he got punched there by one of the gangsters. His body ached everywhere especially the cut on his lip. Jungkook couldn't remember the last time he felt this kind of rush, the feeling of excitement and danger.
     "Aye, we make a pretty good team. I'm Min yoongi by the way, but on the streets I'm known as AGUST-D" yoongi said as he stuck his hand out for a hand shake.
     "Jeon Jungkook, and you're under arrest for theft " Jungkook shot back as he handcuffed Yoongi.

"Really Officer, you're arresting me for saving your life" Yoongi scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"Correction, I'm arresting you for Stealing plus those men were after you" Jungkook snapped back as he easily dragged Yoongi out of the building stepping over the pile of bodies.
Jungkook slammed Yoongi onto the wall before taking out his phone to make a phone call.
"Yes this is Detective Jeon and I would like to call for a pick up at the address of 2013 Bangtan Street. There are unconscious gang members lying inside the building. Thank you" Jungkook reported before ending the call.
"And you Min Yoongi are coming back with me to the sta- What! Where did he go!?" Jungkook shouted when he turned back and saw a pair of handcuffs on the floor and no Yoongi.
He turned to his left and saw Yoongi boarding a bus at a near by station. When Yoongi noticed Jungkook staring, he waved and showed his gummy smile before flipping Jungkook off with an evil grin.
Jungkook crossed his arms and scoffed not believing what he just saw. He then laughed and shook his head at how mischievous Yoongi was. Jungkook decided to let him go, after all Yoongi did save his life today.

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