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Jimin was chilling on the couch with a fresh new t-shirt after he had washed up and tended his wounds. He disposed of his recent hoodie and shoes as he had no reason to keep the bloody thing. He felt guilty by his actions but he had to do what he had to do. He was going through his phone, checking his social media when he got a text from a girl he had a one night stand with the previous night.

"The police found the body"

"Shit" jimin cursed under his breath. Just then he heard banging on the door.

"PARK JIMIN! THIS IS BUSAN PD! OPEN YOUR DOOR AT ONCE!!" shouted Jungkook on the other side of the door, gun ready in hand with Taehyung beside him.

Jimin panicked when he heard the banging and sprang to his feet knowing that he had been caught. He didn't hesitate to run into his room and unlocked his window. His apartment was no longer safe so he decided to escape through the window. It was something he was good at, running and hiding and starting over.

"He's over there!" Taehyung pointed when he spotted a man getting out through the window and running the opposite direction.

Jimin turned back and saw that Jungkook and Taehyung had spotted him so he headed towards the busy street in hopes of losing them.

Jungkook and Taehyung chased after Jimin down the street. Jimin was a fast little guy so he dodged the civilians on the streets pretty easily. Taehyung on the other hand was lacking in training so he was a little behind on the chase. They struggled to reach Jimin since he was surprisingly fast.

       Jungkook sped up when anger boiled his blood, he wasn't about to let the serial killer get away. He finally managed to catch up to Jimin and tackled him down the the ground, scaring the people near by.

"Park Jimin! You are under arrest for murder !" Jungkook coldly stated as he handcuffed the man under him. Jimin fought back and struggled a bit but finally decided to give in.

Taehyung finally managed to catch up. He was breathing heavily as he placed his hands on his knees. "I'll get the car".


"I swear I didn't do it!" Jimin shouted shooting laser beams at the two detectives in front of him. "I've never seen these people in my entire life".

Jimin had been taken into an intirgation room. He sat across from Jungkook and Taehyung in a metal chair still handcuffed. Hoseok was watching them through the glass window, nibbling on a ham and cheese sandwich observing his old partner. Jimin was showed pictures of the kills but he didn't recognize any of the people except for the man found buried  in the woods. He had been denying and defending himself for the past 3 hours, but Jungkook refused to believe Jimin was innocent of those kills.

"Then why did you run!" Taehyung demanded as he slammed his hand on the metal table as he thought back at the unnecessary chase.

"Okay fine, maybe I am guilty of killing but I swear I only killed one Person and he was the guy from the Woods but it was self defense I swear!" Jimin defended.

"Liar!" Jungkook snapped.

"I'm not!" Jimin spat back struggling as his hands were cuffed behind his back. " Last night I slept with his girlfriend and this morning he caught us. He didn't seem pretty happy about it. And I ran and took a shortcut in the woods but he caught me and started attacking me. I had no choice but to defend myself! It was an accident ok!! And I didn't want trouble OK so I buried him in the woods."

"Why should we trust a psychopath like you?!" Jungkook blurted out.

"Look if you don't believe me, you can call his girlfriend, she witnessed everything, her phone number is in my phone, if you uncuffed me I'll be happy to give her a call and besides I just moved here a few days ago, so there is no way that I could have caused those deaths" Jimin stated.

Taehyung nodded but Jungkook declined. "No! You are in no position to call anyone!"

"Hey! I want a lawyer!" Jimin shouted.

Jungkook had finally had it. He sprang from his seat and grabbed Jimin by the collar. "Give me a good reason why I shouldn't just beat the truth out of you!" Jungkook growled.

"Because I'm innocent and because....because I'm your brother!" Jimin's voice cracked as he stared into Jungkook's dark eyes.

Hoseok chocked on his sandwich and he decided to pay more attention to what will happen next.

The energy in the room became tensed and the air became thick. Jimin's statement left the room dead silent. Jungkook was shocked by his words and he let go of Jimin's collar causing him to fall back into his seat with a thud. He was caught off guard, Jimin had hit him in a sensitive spot, his dark past. His head was spinning and he lost balanced, tripping over himself until he was caught by Taehyung.

"My real name is Jeon Jimin and I'm your brother" Jimin said staring intensely at his brother.

Taehyung felt awkward in this situation, knowing that this was something that the two needed to work out. "I think Hoseok needs my help" Taehyung awkwardly said as he made his way to the door to join Hoseok who was gasping for air as the sandwich went down the wrong hole. Taehyung swiftly ran over to slap his back.

"Liar" Jungkook finally managed to speak up.

"Liar? Me? You were the one who lied to Mom and Dad and you're calling me a liar!" Jimin shouted as he got up from his chair.

Taehyung saw Jimin get up and was going to run to the rescue but was stopped by Hoseok.

"Don't" Hoseok said, grabbing Taehyung by the arm, his eyes still teary from chocking.

"No! No! Stop lying!" Jungkook shouted covering his ears with his lies. His mind was going crazy, he didn't know what to think. Was this man really who he claimed to be? No! He wasn't going to believe the lies! He won't trust a psychopath. Jimin, his brother, was an innocent soul and wouldn't kill anyone or at least he thought.

"You had me sent away! I spent years and years in that asylum! I almost became the psychopath everyone called me! You took everything away from me: mom, dad, and Jin! Do you know what it feels like to be alone, isolated from your families and friends! You had it easy growing up and I get electrocuted for misbehaving! Do you even care about me, do you even remember me!? That day when we first met, it was me! And you didn't even recognize your own brother standing in front of You, you fucking selfish brat!" Jimin was fuming with anger and he tried to fight back the tears so he wouldn't look weak.

Jungkook on the other hand was also fighting back his tears. The memories of betraying Jimin came back and hit him as if it happened yesterday. The words of Park Jimin had reopened his wounds and also created new ones. The man in front of him had no idea how bad Jungkook felt for sending his brother away, he had no idea how Jungkook lived with a heavy burden on his shoulders for 15 straight years. But no one could blame the man as he spent 15 years in hell.

      "Stop it! Stop it" Jungkook yelled miserably pulling out his gun and aiming it at Jimin.
      Hoseok and Taehyung jumped at the sight.


Jungkook's ears perked upon hearing that name. It's was a childhood nickname his brother gave him, a nickname only Jimin had called him when he was little. He was never called by that name again ever since Jimin was sent away.'s me" Jimin said softly as tears ran down his face.

"Hyung?" Jungkook whispered, finally breaking down in tears and lowering his gun.

My psycho brother (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now