Killer like me

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     "What are you doing here?!" Jungkook growled at Jimin once he was able to pull away from the hug that was forced. Jimin, who was in a place with Unfamiliar people  was embarrassed as Jungkook called him out un front of everyone. His checks flushed pink and his heart beat increased as he was put in an awkward situation.

       "He's with me Kookie!" Jin spoke up for Jimin. Tension was building up and the other boys awkwardly watched the brothers argue. Taehyung left like it was his responsibility to break up the fight since he was the host so he stepped in to separate the two.

       "Hey, hey come on it's a party. Everyone is welcomed, the BBQ is done, let's go inside. I have a Karaoke machine!" Taehyung smiled as he lead the boys inside his house.

      Jungkook backed off and let it slide since he was in public and doesn't want to attract attention but it was too late he already made a scene out if it. He angrily followed the rest if the group inside the house and Hoseok placed a arm around his shoulder to comfort him.

     "Hey you okay?" Hoseok .

       "Yeah it's nothing" Jungkook coldly answered.

        "Really because that didn't look like nothing. Come on Kook we've been friends since forever, I'm pretty sure I can tell when something is bothering you  and that scene you pulled back there, I'm pretty sure a blind person can tell you were bothered." Hoseok says.

       "Okay you're right I am bothered, I just don't trust Ji- whoever he claims to be anymore." Jungkook murmured.

        "Give him a chance Kook, the man has gone through a lot"

         "So have I. It doesn't give him an excuse to lie!"

          Hoseok only gave Jungkook a look. Jungkook sigh and gave in. "Fine I'll try to tolerate him"

        "Good now show me your bunny smile!" Hoseok giggled as he tickled Jungkook to get him to smile. Jungkook did eventually smile and smiled brightly.

        "Who wants to sing first!" Namjoon yelled holding up the microphone.

        "Me! Me! I called it" Hoseok volunteered running over to Namjoon and leaving Jungkook behind. Jungkook just giggles he watched Hoseok, a grown man, running Luke a toddler.


     An hour in the party, Jungkook excused himself and left the group to get some fresh outside. He went out back to Taehyung's backyard and sat beside the pool. With Jungkook absence, Jimin was finally able to relax and actually enjoy the part without getting death glares from Jungkook.

      From drinking too much alcohol, Jimin excused himself to go use the bathroom. Once he was ready to go back to join the party, he spotted Yoongi lurking around taehyung's house.

      "Hey! What are you doing" Jimin hissed at Yoongi.

      "I'm just looking for valuables to steal from this huge house" Yoongi grinned as he started opening doors to rooms.

       "Are you crazy! You are stealing from a cop with only one properly working arm!" Jimin scold.

       "I can make it work!" Yoongi argued as he opened a door that lead to the garage. Without permission, Yoongi invited himself in. Jimin followed behind to make sure he doesn't get into any trouble.

Once they entered, Yoongi spotted the light switch and flipped it on. Once the lights were on they gasped in amazement. The garage was big and spacey. There were tools hanging on the walls and fancy looking cars parked.

"Man this guy is filthy rich!" Yoongi gasped as he scanned over the car that were parked. "I won't feel guilty about stealing from him."

"Why do you even bother stealing, if you wanted something you can just ask Jin, he has twice the amount of money as Taehyung!" Jimin stated in hopes of persuading Yoongi to not steal.

"Yeah but stealing it more fun and exciting!" Yoongi smirked licking his lips. Jimin crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. From the time that Yoongi moved in with Jungkook he stopped his bad habits and avoided gang life, but Jimin was confused why all of a sudden Yoongi had the urge to steal when he already had everything he needs.

"Hey what do you think is under here?" Yoongi asks when he noticed a huge tarp. In the corner of the room was a huge object, which they assumed was a car, that was covered with a black tarp. Jimin turned to look also being fascinated.

"I don't know but whatever it is he obviously doesn't want people to see it." Jimin lowered his voice which was unnecessary since the karaoke singers were so loud that they could be heard for miles.

"Let's see what's inside!" Yoongi exclaimed.

"Yoongi no!" Jimin says, but it was too late. Yoongi had already taken the tarp off to reveal the car.

Both men had their eyes wide open after seeing the identity of the covered car. "What the hell!" Jimin shouted as he recognized the car.

The car was a black SUV. The same SUV that had ran them over. There was a dent at the front of the car that ensures that the SUV in Taehyung's garage was the same SUV that ran Yoongi's car over.

"What the fuck is going on!" Yoongi cursed angrily. "Is Taehyung the guy who ran us over?!"

"Maybe it's an accident" Jimin spoke up trying to defend Taehyung since he seemed like a nice guy.

"No it was on purpose" a deep voice that came from behind the boys said.

Yoongi and Jimin turned around and jimin held up his fist since Yoongi was in a arm cast. Both men were shocked when the voice belonged to Taehyung. Taehyung stood at in the door way and smirked.

"What the fuck did you say!" Yoongi growled giving teaching a death glare.

"I'm the one who purposefully ran you over, actually I was trying to kill you but it's a shame you both survived." Taehyung grinned not caring about what secrets he reveals.

"Why the hell would you do that! We have done nothing to you!!" Jimin roared remembering himself almost bleeding to death.

"You stuck your noses in places it shouldn't be! " Taehyung raised his voice almost growling.

Jimin's eyes grew large as he connected all the pieces Together. Everything made sense now. "Y- You're the..... You're the..."

        "That's right! I'm the killer!" Taehyung evilly smirked as his eyes drew dark.

        "Did you honestly think you could catch me! A common thief and a mental patient! Ha! Don't make me laugh! I am always one step ahead of you!" Taehyung said trying to get under their skin.

        "You won't get away with this you!" Jimin roared.

       "A killer like me never gets caught" Taehyung laughed.

"Well it was very foolish of you to reveal yourself!" Yoongi replied .

"Is it? I mean it won't matter if dead men knew my secrets?" Taehyung grinned. "And this time there's no coming back from the dead!"

Taehyung tossed in toxic smoke bomb. The smoke bomb was meant to kill any living thing that inhaled it for a long amount of time. Jimin and Yoongi eyes went wide as they ran towards the door, but it was too late taehyung had already slam the door shut and locked it.


        "Let us out!!"

         "Open this door!!"    

          Jimin and Yoongi's shouts were muffled by the door and their banging on the door couldn't over sound the karaoke machine. Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin were too intrigued by getting a perfect score on the karaoke machine to even notice that half of the members were missing.

       "Jungkook.... I'm coming for you...." Taehyung sang with an evil smirk on his face as he headed out to the back.

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