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"She's just so perfect". I said talking to my best friend Jackson, "I don't think she likes me back", I said honestly, he just looked at me like I was crazy.

"So let me get this straight, you're smitten with a girl who does like you back, when you can have any girl you want?" he said as-a-matter-of-fact, when he said it like that I can see who crazy it is for a player like me, but trust me I have changed since I met grace, she just has this effect on people.

"exactly and did I forget to tell you she bad ass, she smashed miss cow's face, it was extremely shocking at first, but when I think about it, it was also extremely funny". I said laughing for 100th time.

"Dude I think you're in lo..........". at that same time Eva's dad walked in, this man was not to be played with, but neither was grace. "Oh this is going to be funny" I thought.

"Hello Mr. cow, how are you today". I said while was trying hard not laugh.

"I don't want none of your formalities, where is she?" she asked firmly, so I thought let's play with him a bit.

"If your asking about your daughter Mr. Cow, let me tell you she is in the hospital, but I thought I already told you that, so I don't know why you're asking me again, wait, hold on, are you going crazy too sir, let me know cause I am terrified of crazy persons". As those last left me mouth, Jackson fell on the floor laughing.

"Are you making fun of me boy?" I said with a very serious face.

"Oh no sir I wouldn't dream of it, I am just stating the facts". I don't know what have gotten into me since I met grace, but it like I don't care about what anyone things of me except for her that is, I think I am bad ass like she is.

"Am not talking about my daughter I am talk about that black bitch that hit her". That made Jackson stop laughing and I did too.

"Miss Samuda Is in her office". With that he left and I was in rage how dare he called grace "black bitch" and I know just how to get back at him.


I was going to get ready for my date with my sexy ass boss, you now I say it like that sounds wrong but who the fuck cares I thought to myself.

Just as I was about to leave my office, a fat white guy walked in.

"Whatever you're for has to wait, I have a date later, I can't talk to you" I said to him.

"Miss Samuda, do you know who I am?" I have been working here for 6 months, I still don't the people that work here, so searched my head carefully to see if I remember him, but no luck.

"Am I suppose to?" I know I might sound rude, but if this introduction is not necessary I need to know.

"I am Mr.cow, you hit my daughter". See not necessary.

"Mr. cow I must say the name fits you just like how it fits your daughter", "how may I help you, and let me state you only have 60seconds so you better start talking". He started off with "how dare you hit me daughter" he kept talking but I wasn't like I was listening, I was texting oksana to come over and help me get ready for my date, I, rude but I don't give a fling fuck about him and his daughter .When the 60 seconds were up he was still talking, but who cares I toke up my bag and went for the door.

"What? Where are you going I am still talking to you".

"Sir you're minutes are up", I said sweetly and went away.

I got home to a crazy house, Sana had a key to my house, and sometimes I wonder why I did that to myself. When I opened my room door a mountain of clothes fell on me "Sana, where are you?"

"over here!" I couldn't fine her so I did what any sane person would do, stomped everywhere until I heard "ouch bitch!" I found her.

"What the hell were you doing there?"

"I was looking for your outfit and got carried away, well I found the perfect outfit, so get a shower and let me clean up this mess".

I toke 10min to shower, what I had three hours to get ready, when I got back to the room I had to look twice, it was spotless.

We did make up and my hair and now it was time to see my outfit. Stephen hadn't told me what to wear so I just going to with anything Sana picked.

Where did she come up with her fashion sense, this girl is good, I looked perfect. At exactly 7 I heard the doorbell.

"Sana can you get that please!" I hurried downstairs before sana started to play 20 questions with Stephen, I know it don't sound that bad but, it is. She does play when it comes to interrogating my dates, that why I love her so.

"Hi", I said to make myself noticed. Stephen looked up, "Hi are you....." he started at me like he was seeing me for the first time. He looked so breathtaking. He was wearing a black jacket, with a red button down shirt, untucked, with black jeans pants and he looked so beautiful and delicious, I could just eat he right here.

"um....hello bitches", oh I totally forgot sana was here, he for one was still staring, that was until sana slapped him and drooling, "You look magnificent, I could staring at you all day", I felt me face heat up and I knew I was red from head to toe, I hate compliments.

"Well you can stare at her all you want, when you're out the house". She pushed us out of the house after I took up my clutch and said, "Her curfew is tomorrow morning".

"Don't mind her, she's just extra, and inquisitive about everything". I said eyeing him from sideways.

"It's okay, I like her, it look like she takes care of you and as long as she don't hurt you I am fine with her". I blushed not knowing what to say to that, it sound like he planned on a long term thing, but I don't thing I can do that.

The drive to where ever we are going was quite, but not awkward, but comfortable, until he broke it.

"So what did Mr. Cow want today?" I paused for a few seconds trying to remember what the man wanted, but then I remember I wasn't even listening.

"Um...... I really don't know, I was not listening, but I know he said something about me beating Eva's ass".

"I just love how badass you're, but I do hope you don't kill me if I do something wrong in the future". He said and I gave a stiff laugh, terrified at the words love and future.

"where are we going?"

"Out", I looked at him shocked at his answer, is this dude for real.

"Yes I know we're going out, but where". He looked at me for a second and shock he's head smiling at a secret joke, "So are you going to tell where we are going?"

"Out", ugh this pointless, I glared at him and he smirked, I feel like pulling out my hair.

He driving pass all the expensive looking restaurant, not I am suspicious, I thought of screaming, then though against it.

"If you don't tell me where you're taking me, I will start screaming". He just looked at me and grinned like he thought I was joking, I waited for five minutes to see if he would answer me but he didn't so I started screaming, it startled him because he lost control of the car and now we are about to plunge into the river, my last thought was 

"oh fuck I can't swim".


Do you think grace will die or do you think Stephen or someone else will save her? *hint hint* but you didn't it from me.






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