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Stephen pov

"Hey baby, can I sit here?" she turned around and looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"What do you want" I sat beside her and hugged her.

"What was that about?"

"nothing; is he still here? Is he staying here?" even though she says she doesn't care I know does.

"yes grace he is." With she stood up and wiped her tears, and walked off. "Where are you going?"

"Oh martes and I are going shopping, I will see you later." She ran off calling martes.

Grace Pov

"Martes come on we have only been to six stores." Oh I am having so much fun, but martes is starting to complain, ugh men.

"come we are going to the barber, then to the spa." I heard him groan and I rolled my eyes. I stepped in to the barber shop.

"Honey I am home." I yelled the persons in the shop looked at me like I lost some screws, but I ignored them.

"Hey baby girl, what's up?" my uncle Phillip called back, and I ran to him and hugged him.

"I am so glad you are okay, you gave us a scare though-" he looked straight in the eye and said, " don't you ever do that again."

"Grace why do you have to walk so fast, Remember I have all these bags, I can't keep up." I looked at Martes and rolled my eyes.

"uncle Phil this is martes, he saved my life." Uncle phil held out his hand for martes to shake, but just looked at it, oh I forgot. I step over to his side and said, "drop the bags and shake his hand." He did but he also broke the glass in the bags, I groaned, he looked at me and gave me a sheepish grin; how could I stay mad at him; he is so new to all this.

"hello sir."

"Hey call me uncle phil you are now apart of the family and thank you for saving my little bundle of joy, don't know what I would do without her."

"Okay now uncle stop with the emotional shit, I need his hair to get some grooming."

"What? No I love my hair like this." I looked at him and gave him the "What did I just say?" look .

"okay; okay fine let get this over with."

"well; well look who it is, it's bitch samuda." I turned around to see which idiot had the audacity of calling me bitch, it was cow, no not the heifer, the bull.

"Oh I see your still alive, I thought they butchered on Fridays, but yet here you; or is it that you meat is too tough?"

"You have a lot of talk samuda, let's see who's laughing when I sue for a million dollars." Oh please this man though, what the fuck is he even doing here.

"I would tell you that my lawyers would just eats you up, but I don't want them to risk losing the teeth on a tough bull cow like you." I said and smiled cheekily. He mumbled something and left the shop.

"do you know that man uncle phil?"

"Yeah went to school together, do you know him?"

"No I use to work with his daughter, who by the way Stephen was fucking; but then stephen had taste of this-"I pointed to myself- "and left her ass, right before he asked me on a date, the bitch slapped me and I gave her a beat down, I was going to shoot her but I had an headache; too much noise." Everyone sat there staring me.

"the fuck are you looking at."

"Hey phil are you going to cut his hair or not?" he nodded and ushered martes to a waiting chair.

"guys I will be back in a while, of you finish before I come back call me." They nodded and I walked out.

I am going to Victoria secrets; I am going to buy something to wear for stephen; I know I am not suppose to like him but I am a lady and I have needs, so nothing is wrong if I lead him on for a while then break it off when I think he is taking it too serious. Right?

I reached the store and walk along the window before I went in and I saw the perfect thing; I went inside and to the sales lady I wanted that one and she said, "sorry ma'am you cannot have that specific one, but you can have a different color." I shook my head at her.

"I want that one." She looked me weirdly and I knew i was pouting like a little child, well since I was already pouting why not just beg too.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeee?" she rolled her eyes and walked of and I followed her. But then I got fed up and said, "do you know who I am?" she didn't even look at me. "I am the Fiancée of Stephen Clarke, and I will not beg you for something when I can just have stephen buy out this store and fire your ass, as a matter of fact let me give him a call right now, let see how you like that." I took out m phone and dialed Stephen's number.

"Okay; okay you may have the lingerie from the window, just don't call mister Clarke." I took the phone from my ear and hung up just as he answered.

She walked to the window and took down the lingerie and beckoned me to come on, when I went to the cash reregister, she asked, "Are you really the fiancée of Stephen Clarke?" I nodded and she went on, "how is he in bed; I always had a crush on him, he is so hot." I was so shock that I didn't answer at first but this anger just came up on me.

"Oh my god bitch, that is my fucking business if he wanted you to know that he would have gotten engaged to you; and yes I know he is hot no need to tell me that." I dragged the bag from her hand "and if I ever see even ten inch near my man I will kill you little white ass Motherfucker." I gave her my death glare and walked from the store; that bitch had some nerve.

I was so deep in thought, that I didn't realize that back at the barber shop, until I heard, "Someone is going to get down and dirty tonight." It was uncle Phil, I rolled my eyes and said, "make sure you use protection."

"Ugh uncle phil I am not 18 anymore." The martes said, "Please remember that there is a child in the house." He looked at me and I grinned.

"All done." Uncle phil said and I looked at martes, damn if I was not with stephen, I would screw him.

"Thanks uncle phil I will see you for the family trip next week."

"Bye uncle phil see you." Martes and I walked out of the shop together






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