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Every day I wonder why life is so cruel, why bad things happen to good people, and the insolent bitches and dickheads have good things happen to them.

I am Martes Grisham and I am homeless, I have been for thirteen years and I am only 24, I think. I use to have a family, but they all died, leaving my baby sister and I and a lot of debt, we weren't rich, but weren't poor either or so I thought. My parents died in a car crash, they were on their way to the bank to repay some of their loans, when a drunk bastard, lost control of his car and sent my parents running in a tree, they died on the spot, to make matters even worst the bank came and took the house away that very same day, saying my parents owes the 3.5million, so all my little sister and I had was the clothes our backs, did mention I was 12 and my sister was 3 years old. A social worker came to take us, but I ran leaving my sister with them, I wanted to take her with me but I knew she was better off where they were taking her, now I am staying in a

It's Friday and I am really bored so I went out for dinner, at this Chinese restaurant a few blocks from where I stay, it's slow on Fridays, so they throw out most of the food, that normally last me for the week or two if I don't get guest, what I have street friend you know.

People driving like they are crazy is nothing new on these streets, but whoever is driving this car is either drunk or bat shit crazy. The car was skidding in the direction of the river, my first thought was to leave it alone, but I have a conscience and it was bothering me, and before I knew it I was plunging into the water too, to save some person I have never met in my life.


I woke with the worst headache of the century, and the of this didn't make it any better , it smelled like a hospital. i tried to open my eyes but the light over head was a bitch, then I heard voices. "I think he is waking, go call a nurse". Goddamn that bitch sound like my mother, but what would she do... wait did she say a nurse, I guess I was right, I am in the hospital, but why, then it all came rushing back, and just like that I jumped and said, "shit, Grace".

"it's okay honey, mommy's here". What is my mom doing here we haven't spoken in 3 years, as matter of fact all my family is here, but I just can't see grace. "Where is Grace?" I asked panicking. They all looked at me and at each other as if I have lost a few screws and I think I have too, I think grace has them in her purse. I tried getting off the bed to go in search of Grace but my arms, legs and feet protested, but I still pushed myself.

"Stephen what are you, lay back down and wait till the nurse gets here". I heard someone shriek, I think it's my sister.

"I need to find Grace", I said sternly "Who is this Grace you're talking about?" now what do I tell her, that she's my employee which I feel in love with. "She is my fiancée". I heard gasps but I ignored them, at that exact time a doctor walked in, "Sit down, I need to do a check-up on you" what part of "I need to find my fiancée don't they understand" I thought

"what your problem didn't you hear me sat I need to find Grace, my check-up can wait, now tell me where she is or I will find her myself". No one answered me so I fought the pain and went in search of my baby. I got to reception area, with a nurse and my mother following me. "Grace Samuda", I said with a no nonsense tone. "room 27", she said and I walked off, her was four doors down from, when I got to the door I was dreading what I would see on the other side, but I opened it any way, what I saw I nearly fainted, she looks so small in the large bed, surrounded by all this technology. It's a shock. There's a tube in her mouth, and various lines pass through drips into a needle in each arm. A small clamp is attached to her finger. I wonder vaguely what that's for. A monitor displays her heart rate: beep, beep, and beep. It's beating strong and steady. This I know. I move slowly toward her.

I realize that the tube pulling at the right corner of her mouth leads to a ventilator. Its noise is weaving with the beep, beep, beep of her heart monitor into a percussive rhythmic beat. Sucking, expelling, sucking, expelling, sucking, expelling in time with the beeps. There are four lines on the screen of her heart monitor, each moving steadily across, demonstrating clearly that Grace is still with us.

Oh, Grace , I should have been more careful

Even though her mouth is distorted by the ventilator tube, she looks so beautiful and peaceful, lying there fast asleep.

A petite young nurse stands to one side, checking her monitors.

"Can I touch her?" I ask her, tentatively reaching for his hand.

"Yes." She smiles kindly. Her badge says TANYA RN, and she must be in her twenties. She's blonde with dark, dark eyes.

"Oh, Grace. Please get better," I whisper. "Please."

Someone puts his hand on my shoulder and gives it a reassuring squeeze, it was her brother, Cabel.

"All Miss Samuda's vitals are good," Nurse tanya says quietly.

"Thank you," Cabel murmurs.

"Where is she, I need to see her now". Then sana came running,, tears streaming down her face, staring a grace, I was dreading this moment, I know she going to put me in more pain than I am already in. she took a glance over where I sat, and her soften and she said, "the only reason why, I haven't murdered you yet, it's because your already injured, but watch out am coming for you". And for the second time in my life I was scared, the only other time was when Grace smacked Eva's ass.

Just then three person walked in with tears stained faces, a lady who looks like she's in her fifties, a man who looks about sixty and a teenage girl. When the older lady saw grace she shrieked and sana and cabel ran to her. "Mom take it easy, Grace wouldn't want you to stress". They sat her down in a chair next to mine, that's when she saw me, "Who are you?" Cabel looked at me and I nodded my head, "Um....... Mom this Grace's fiancée" he said cautiously while staring his mom and dad. Her dad just said "We'll deal with this when she wakes up". Oh snap. I tired getting up to go back to my room and give them some privacy, that's when they realized I was also in hospital dress, skirt whatever it is. "You're hurt too?" her mother asked.

"Yes I was the one driving the car"

"So you're the one who brought her in?"

"No I don't know how we got here". I guess that was the end of the convocation because said nothing more.

A few minutes after my nurse came for me but, I couldn't move, so they made me stay in the same room as Grace. The room suddenly when silent, then I heard "nurse, nurse". Grace was going through shock and then her heart stopped, they pulled a curtain in the middle of the room and I couldn't see what happening all I heard was, "clear,123 clear" repeatedly. I couldn't help it I got of the bed and went around the curtain, "Mr. Clarke you can't be here right now". And then there it was silence, what I was dreading the heart monitor stopped.

Grace is dead.






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