Naruto's POV
Being a demon isn't easy. For seventeen years I have been alone. Growing up without a father or mother, while being called a demon spawn, can really take its toll on the mind. When I was little I would hear people saying things like "watch out he's a demon", or "stay away from him demons don't know how to love." After being called names for about five years or so you just don't feel anything anymore.You don't feel anger,sadness/depressed, etc. Like I said it really takes a toll on the mind. I honestly believe that I don't have emotions. Having no one to stay for long can make you that way. The worse part of my life is school. Walking into the building makes me sigh. It's not like I'm going to have anybody to talk to anyways. Plus going to school makes me want to stay away from people even more than I already do.
There is a benefit about being a human and demon. You can pick which one you want to be everyday. So a lot of times I'll refer to people as humans. I am going to be blunt and say I wish everyone in school burns in a fire tomorrow. Did I not mention the first day of school is tomorrow...yay me.I
Sakura's POV
Being a sixteen girl with pink hair can make you stand out a little more than you would want. My friend loves the attention just by being my friend, so I just let do what she wants with it. I know some of you are probably thinking that she's using me. Trust me she's not. We were friends waaaaay before I got popular. Sometimes I do get bullied by other for having a big head. Other than that there's nothing else really.I do live in a big house. A ten bedroom house actually. It's just me and my mom. My dad died in a fire trying to save a little boy. That didn't put me through a depression state. In his pocket at work I found a letter he was holding onto until my birthday. Ever since reading it nothing brings me down.
I have this overwhelming feeling that something interesting is going to happen tomorrow. Tomorrow is the first day back to school. I already have my outfit picked out and everything. I got a car last week but I'm really close to the school so I'll probably walk. Tomorrow is going to be a great day!
So this was a introduction of our two main characters. Some of you may know that I'm working on another story called 'Dreams Becoming Reality'. You're probably thinking why are you doing another story when you barely update the other one. To answer that question it's simply because this idea just literally popped in my head and I already know the plot. I have a feeling it's going to be a really great story. I know by doing this in going to have to make extra room in my schedule to keep both of my stories frequently updates. So with that in off to updating the other one. I hope you check out my other story of you haven't read it yet. Anyways I hope you enjoy this. Bye!😘

A Demon Can Love(NaruSaku)
Storie d'amoreMODERN AU Naruto Uzumaki is a demon. Ultimately he grew up without anyone. At school he accidentally bumps into Sakura Haruno. With the bubbly personality Sakura has, she befriends Naruto and tries to show everyone he's not the demon they make him o...