Chapter 1

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Naruto's P.O.V
I woke to the sound that reminded me I'm going to hell for the next couple of months. I went pee and changed clothes. Brushed my teeth and started walking to school. It's not that far of a walk, just a couple of blocks. Nothing I can't handle. I wonder how many times in going to be called a demon today.

When I reached the school there was ten minutes until the first bell rung. I went to the back of the school, where a single swing swung. I looked up at the sun blue sky. Something is going to change my life today. I wonder what it will be. I rarely get these kind of feelings but when I do I'm always right.

There was two minutes left until the first bell has to ring. Since I'm a loner and all I went ahead and went to class early. The bell rung and several people came to class. After the tardy bell it was like a herd of buffalos coming to class. Must be great having a life.

Mr.Smith gave us assigned seats. There were seven seats in each row with a total of five rows.
"I'm not sitting next to this demon. I heard he's capable of taking away your emotions and eating your heart."
I rolled my eyes. I was about to say something when a pink haired girl started to speak.

"Mr.Smith I wouldn't mind trading seats with her, if it's okay with you." Mr. Smith nodded as they walked past each other I heard the girl from before ask:
"Sakura,you have guts but do you also have a death wish?" The girl named Sakura's just flashed her a smile and sat down next to me. I hope she doesn't think she's my hero. I stared out the window while Mr. Smith went over his class rules.

Next period was gym which I don't feel like participating in. Plus I have a really good feeling it's dodgeball today. Guess who'd have to dodge all the balls. I don't have the energy to deal with people or balls. I put my hood over my head and started walking to the back of the school. I turned the corner and collided with a body.

Sakura's P.O.V
While talking to Ino and speed walking to my locker to put my bag up I ran into someone. I landed on my butt and heard some of my stuff come out of my bag. Great. I saw a hand in front of my face.
"Are you okay? Did I hurt you anywhere?" I looked up at the person who was offering their hand to me. The guy from first period. As he helped me up I stared into his eyes. His eyes are a dim blue, they have no emotion.

I saw Ino keeping a distance from him. I remembered what Ashley(the girl from earlier) said. " I'm not sitting next to this demon. " Taking a closer look he looks normal. I felt his emotionless eyes staring at me. I looked down and saw my bag in his hand.
"T-thank you." Him gazing at me caught me off guard. He nodded and walked off. I have this feeling of wanting to get to know him.

After he left Ino came back.
"Are you okay did that demon do anything to harm you." I shot her a look but it quickly faded.
" I'm fine. It was my fault I'm the one who wasn't paying attention. He even gave me my bag. He doesn't seem like a demon to me. "
"Sakura I know your personality is like this but you have to believe everyone when we tell you to stay away from him. Trust me he is a demon. Don't let any of the girls find out about this."

Right because if anyone found out my popular status would be erased. What great friends I have. It's already hard enough with this big head of mine. I really feel the need to get to know him. Maybe I can prove everybody wrong and make them eat their words.

When I put my bag up I noticed a piece of paper out of a pocket. I'll look at it later. At this rate I'm going to have detention for being late. Me and Ino rushed to gym.
"What took you guys so long?" Ashley and Melissa stood there waiting for us along with the other girls.
" I just dropped my bag on our way here. " Technically I'm not lying.

"Well coach said it's a free day for everyone except athletic girls. We have to do stadiums for half the period and then run laps around the school." Half of us did athletics the other half were in clubs.
"Alright girls let's get started!" I pulled my hair into a ponytail and started doing stadiums, leaving everyone else in the dust.

Naruto's P.O.V
I was on the swing when I heard a whole bunch of foot steps approaching me. Instinctively I went between the bushes where there was a little  space between the bushes and the wall. After a couple of seconds I saw the girls running by. Calm down you're at school. Hopefully a certain teacher and principal wouldn't let me die here.

I saw the pink haired girl running behind the rest of them as I tried to hide the best I could. My stupid tall body! When I looked closer at her it looked like she was running out of breath. It's none of your business. She doesn't concern you. She was about to round the corner when she tripped over a rock. I stared at her waiting for her to get up.

My body started moving on its own.
"Kuruma are you doing this?"
"Nope it's not me kiddo."
"Well can you stop it."
He didn't say anything. You good for nothing demon. You caused me all this trouble and you can't even help me out with this one thing. Before I knew it I had her in my arms and was walking toward the nurse. I tried my best to avoid all her little 'friends'.

I missed one and she stopped me in my tracks. Crap.
"What are you doing with Sakura. I will yell and tell everyone you're trying to eat her." Ugh. The girl from before. I gave her a glare. Since she's already scared I might as well spook her some more.
"If you yell or tell anyone about this I will eat your heart." I had to hurry and walk away before I started laughing.

I wonder if this woman saw the note in her bag.  I looked down at her. I hope you're not what I was feeling this morning. I hope you're not going to change my life. You're probably a lot more trouble than you're worth. I don't plan to get close to anyone ever again.

I hope everyone likes the first chapter. If not you can feel free to comment what would make it better in the next chapter. Anyways I'm going to edit the next story after I do the dishes. Hopefully it will be uploaded tonight. If not tonight then tomorrow in the morning. Cya guys and love ya!😘

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