Chapter. 25

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Naruto's Pov

The first part of our, Sakura and I, summer vacation consisted of seeing Grandma Tsunade, teaching Sakura on my own, and reading. I guess I could say I was happy that I showed Sakura my nerdiness. It meant I could catch up on some books that I had missed out on. I decided to add a mini sofa in the nerd room, that's what Sakura decided to call it, so I could read while she was either reading or writing. It was an excuse to be close to her without seeming needy. Unfortunately no matter how much time passed I still had a lingering fear that something was going to happen to her.

"Naruto what's wrong?" Sakura was mere inches from my face. 

"Nothing, were you saying something?" I didn't react to her close proximity. After all I still haven't confessed. She poked my forehead, hard, something I would do to her when she was worrying or being stupid. 

"I asked if you can read over some of my work." I got up and went to her desk, which was covered with pictures of us and Ino. 

"You know a lot of people would call your desk a mess," and it was, she spent most of her time in here," is this your big project you won't tell me about or is it another mini one?" She shoved me in her comfortable chair. 

"Mini, now do what it is that you do." After Tsunade and I both finished teaching Sakura everything I let her do some mini articles that Mirai wanted her to do. I only told her no at first because there was no time in her schedule and I knew she wouldn't go to sleep no matter how many times I told her to.

"This is pretty good. you've gotten better." She beamed at me. "Just move these parts around so it makes more sense." She nodded and moved me out the way. "You could've said please but okay." She shooed me off. I went back to the sofa and continued reading. 

An hour later we were in the living room eating when there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it, Sakura said as she needed to put her plate away anyways. 

"Sakura!" Immediately I knew it was Ino. "I haven't seen you in forever." While I kept Sakura busy with lessons, Ino and Sai had traveled around. So she's finally back. I mentally groaned, knowing that this meant I was going to get dragged everywhere now. "Pretend to at least be a little happy when you see me." I chuckled.

"I'm always happy so see you Ino. I just don't appreciate being dragged around everywhere." I got up and embraced her in a hug. I started becoming used to giving and receiving hugs thanks to Sakura. The littlest things I did for her she'd always give me a hug for it. I completely forgot that I was hugging Ino until I felt Sakura staring my way. "Well would you look at that, he did miss me after all." I coughed and let Ino go.

"Because I'm an amazing friend, I've reserved us a place at the beach. With an amazing house," Ino beamed. Of course she did.

"When do we go," Sakura asked. I mentally slapped Sakura, knowing I couldn't do it in person. Don't ask Ino that.

"Tomorrow! I have to potty." She left a squealing Sakura behind as she went to the 'potty'. I'm going to cry.

"Hey Naruto," I rose my eyebrow as I continued eating my ramen, "do you have a thing for Ino? My two bestfriends dating would be perfect!" I lost my composure and choked on my ramen. After getting out of my choking fit I looked at her. This woman truly is stupid. I got up to put my bowl away and came back to flick her on the forehead.

"No baka." She recoiled and held her forehead, pouting. "Go pack your stuff." I shooed her away so I wouldn't have to flick her again because she's that stupid. Dumbass. Ino appeared obviously overhearing our conversation. She smirked. "Don't worry your secret's safe with me, baka," she said mocking me. She knew.

"Am I really that obvious?" She laughed.

"Not to everyone else, just me. Plus I think she's just happy that you opened up so she can't see it. Then again she's very dense. Honestly I thought it would've been the other way around." She left to go help Sakura making sure to laugh loud enough for me to hear. That woman is impossible. One is impossible and the other is just plain stupid. I have my hands full. I stopped by Sakura's room.

"Ino pig how long are we staying," I questioned knowing it would stop her laughing. Sakura gave me a look that said you're about to die. "Naruto!" Ino charged at me and I let her get a few hits in. "Feel better now?" I asked with a smirk. 

"This is why your name in my phone is asshole." She told me through gritted teeth. I bowed and told her I wouldn't want it to be anything else. "Funny story we're staying the rest of vacation." I could already feel Sakura's excitement. This is my fault for keeping her trapped in the house. I regretted it instantly. They laughed at me groaning in misery. "I'll drive, Ino drives like she doesn't care about dying." I was prepared for the barrage of punches coming.

Sakura's Pov

I was flooded with happiness as I watched Ino beat up Naruto. They would make a cute couple, if she wasn't already with Sai. My heart squeezed for a split second. I felt my head. Do I need to see a doctor? That was weird. Pulling me out of my thoughts Ino yelled at me. "I'm going home now, I'll see you two tomorrow morning." She waved and left. 

"Are you going to take the laptop with you so you can continue working," he asked, leaning on the frame of my door.

"No, I'll just finish this project I'm working on and let Mirai know I'm taking a vacation." He nodded. I felt like there was something I should be asking him but I couldn't think of anything. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Nothing, go pack." He left my room but not without ramming his toe into the door. I laughed as I heard him muttering curses. I think I'll take this book though. I grabbed 'Young Adolescence' wanting to finally start reading it. After packing I went to Naruto's room and found him going through some documents obviously not noticing I was standing there.

I read 'Naruto's will' and my heart instantly dropped. "W-why do you have that?" His head snapped up from the papers to look at me. He looked like a kid who had just got caught putting red paint all over the new white sofa. "What are you hiding? Are you dying?" My throat went dry. He came to the edge of the bed and pulled me in his arms. I hadn't noticed I was shaking until he held my arms firmly. Being as sensitive as I was, I already felt tears prickling the edge of my eyes.

"No, I'm not. I'm just taking precautious measures. Hey, hey, don't cry." I tried hard to stop them from flowing. "Sakura look at me," he said as he brought my face down leveling it with his as he wiped my tears away," I'm fine. I promise I'm fine." I nodded still being able to feel the tears rolling down my face. "Please don't cry." He continued wiping my tears away. Shortly after I was able to recollect myself. "I wonder what Ino pig would say right now." I cracked a smile at the mention of Ino's nickname. "There's that smile,' he said as he kissed the top of my head, "you should go finish your project." I nodded as he let me go.

I hadn't fully registered what he did until the doors closed behind me. I put my hand to the place where he kissed. Do all bestfriends do that? Ino had done the same thing a couple of times before. Letting go of the matter I became invested in my work again. I had lost track of time as I continued to do more than one project. It's a good thing I had just finished the third one because my 'mom' came in, obviously not happy.

"I thought you were only doing one," he said crossing his arms. I shrugged. "It's already eleven. Did you even eat?" I pointed at the empty cereal bowl on my desk as I got up stretched. "Whatever. Go to bed." I huffed as he watched me leave the nerd room. "Thank you, goodnight." I flicked him off goodnight as I closed the door.

Oooooo is Sakura finally starting to catch feelings? Next the beach episode! Those are always the best. Thanks for the support, anyways Sayonara! :)

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