Sakura's Pov
"Are you ready?" Ino was at my side and held me steady. No. I wasn't prepared to face today. I just wanted to sleep the pain away. It had took a month to get Naruto's funeral ready. I didn't want to go. There was hardly going to be anyone there so I couldn't say that everyone there was fake. The only people going was the people Naruto considered close, if not family. Ino looked at me with concern. "Yeah, sorry, I'm ready." She held onto my arm tightly as we headed to his funeral.
Not having mercy on myself, we held the burial site next to Sasuke's. Sasuke, my first love buried on the right and Naruto, my second and last on the left. No one touched me as Naruto was lowered down, knowing that I would break down and cry I wanted to save that while I was alone. After the burial Ino drove me home. Not Naruto's, which I had considered home for the longest but to mine that had no warmth. The warmth died when Naruto did. I knew I would have to go back to Naruto's house but I didn't have the energy to do it today. Maybe next week. Except I had been telling myself that for a while now.
Instead I didn't bother changing out of my clothes or taking a shower, I just flopped on my bed. Despite crying everyday for the past month, I still had more tears to shed. I heard my front door open. I didn't hold back my cries for whoever it was. The houses from the neighborhood probably heard my cries but I didn't care. I was still in pain. I smelled Ino's familiar scent as she climbed into bed with me. She held me as I cried myself to sleep.
I awoke to the smell of food. The first few days of dealing with the aftermath of Naruto's death, I hadn't eaten at all. After being hospitalized Ino said she would cook for me everyday even if I didn't eat a lot of it. Basically she moved in to make sure I didn't die on her. Not that it would be so bad. I know I shouldn't think about leaving my bestfriend but I was empty inside. I just wanted to be with Naruto again. I don't think I was this sad over Sasuke's death but then again you can feel differently for everyone.
"Good morning." Ino said softly bringing me breakfast. "Imma need you to shower because you have to see your therapist today. If you don't, I will get in the shower with you, just like when we were kids. Eat some eggs." Before I knew it Ino was shoving food down my throat before I could even react. I know she's worried but geesh. It's like she's turned into my mom. "Okay let's head to the to the therapist!" Her enthusiastic personality is what kept me going most days.
Upon returning to the house I saw Kakashi asleep on the porch swing. I told Ino to head inside. "Kakashi," I said softly, putting my hand on his shoulder.
"Naruto?" He croaked. My heart sunk. Kakashi's appearance looked worse than he would've led everyone to believe. The dark circles I had saw last time had grown bigger and darker. "Oh, Sakura." He sounded disappointed and I completely understood. "Would you like to come in?" He shook his head. "N-no. I have things to do. I umm came to give you this. Naruto told me to give it to you if something were to happen to him but I couldn't bring myself to see you just yet. I'm sorry." I knew how he felt. I didn't want to see anyone who was also associated with Naruto. I also knew that he blamed himself for Naruto's death, since he had arrived shortly after Naruto died in my arms. He got up and handed me the big envelope. "See you around," he said tiredly as he left. "Kakashi!" He stopped." Can you do me a favor and get some sleep?" He gave me a tired sad smile. "I'll try." And with that he left.
"Is he gonna be okay," Ino questioned when I finally came in. "Hopefully." I sat down on the couch, wondering what was in the envelope. Ino caught me hesitating. She softly took it away from me. "We'll open it together." She said as she scooted close to me. I closed my eyes as she opened it. She read," Everything goes to Sakura Haruno."His will. I was waiting for her to continue. I opened my eyes. "Is there not anymore?" She shook her head. Understanding I knew he meant everything in his house, the house we used to call our home. "Ino, I think it's finally time we go to his house." She nodded grabbing her keys.

A Demon Can Love(NaruSaku)
RomanceMODERN AU Naruto Uzumaki is a demon. Ultimately he grew up without anyone. At school he accidentally bumps into Sakura Haruno. With the bubbly personality Sakura has, she befriends Naruto and tries to show everyone he's not the demon they make him o...