Chapter. 23

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Naruto's Pov

I woke up aching all over. I felt like I slept longer than I should have. I hadn't noticed a person next to me before I tried to move my arm. I opened my eyes all the way to find Sakura cuddled up on me. When did she get here? While trying to not wake her up, and trying to get out of her grasp, I smelt my body wash on her. I admired her sleeping features before looking at what she was wearing. It's cute but why does she have my clothes on and smell like me?

Pushing loose strands out of her face I kissed her forehead. Then her cheeks. Then the tip of her nose. Lastly her lips that looked like they were waiting to be claimed by me. Naruto chill. You're not a teenager who can't control his own hormones. After tucking her in I silently left the room. I noticed there was something different about my house. It was only confirmed when I saw the dining table. I have new things and my house is cleaner? I noticed the ramen on the table and didn't hesitate to eat it. However my mouth hurt too much to open. I dropped everything in my hand.

'What the fuck Kuruma? I thought you said you wouldn't do anything unless it was to help protect Sakura?' I was furious.

'Kid, listen.' I mentally crossed my arms. 'He's back.'

Without him having to explain who he was talking bout I already knew. I remember that day it felt like Kuruma was being ripped away from me. The same day Sasuke died. 'In a sense I did everything I could to protect Sakura.' I froze. No. No no no no no no no.

'What do you mean?'

'While your body and I was being under attack Sakura came and it took everything I had to stop you from majorly hurting her. She did receive several injuries but she'll be fine with some rest. She actually helped stop you from going rampant.'

'NO! She won't be fine as long as she stays with me! So that's why she's wearing my clothes, to hide all the injuries. Knowing her, she wont tell me unless I confront her about it. Kuruma, what am I gonna do? All I want to do is protect her but she won't stay away from me and honestly I don't want her to. How am I going to protect her when I have to protect her from myself?'

He didn't answer because he knew it was rhetorical. I felt like crying. I didn't want to hurt her and I already did. I was gonna have to test her and see how bad the injuries were. I'll also have to test her to see how long she think she can get away with hiding what happened from me. I wondered how I looked in her eyes. Me in my demon form probably scared her but apparently she helped in controlling me. I went back to my room and laid back down, careful not to wake her. I'll just wait until she wakes up.

About five hours later she woke up. I pretended to be asleep so she wouldn't think I was weird for staring at her while she slept. My dumb butt hadn't noticed I was holding her hand until she started pulling away from me. I don't know what came over me but I held on tighter. I pretended to just wake up. She muttered sorry and took her hand away, my hand losing her warmth.

"How are you feeling?" She flashed me a bright smile, sitting up in bed, and it pissed me off. I knew she was hurting but she wasn't going to admit it. 

I tried to speak but realized my throat was a mess. I nodded. I gave her a look that showed I wanted to know why she was here. She seemed to have gotten a little flustered.

"It's Friday, remember?" I saw a hint of concerned rise on her facial features. Oh yeah, Friday. I nodded pretending I knew.

"Do you want some water or anything?" This was the test I needed so I could see how badly I hurt her. I nodded. She slowly got up hiding her pain very well. I saw it. She limped. I could tell she was trying really hard not to tell it show. She would probably need a crutch if she wasn't so damn stubborn and would not try to hide it from me. When she came back and handed me the cup I also took note of her hand wrapped up. Maybe she got burn by me?

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