Naruto's Pov
I wasn't mad at her answer or anything, I loved her honesty, I just needed to think. Thinking about deep stuff like this wasn't possible around Sakura because all I wanted to do was hold her. It was like until I was able to hold her, there would be a voice in my head repeatedly telling me to hold her, which would be on blast. I was also getting tired and didn't want Ino to think I was stealing her bestfriend. I had already admitted to myself that I like Sakura but I hadn't given thought to being in love with her until thirty minutes ago. Ino did say some things that hit spot on but the others had me a little confused. There's a chance I might be falling in love with her, just not in love quite yet. All this thinking made my head hurt. Before I started going upstairs my stomach started churning.
'Kid look out the front real quick, hurry!' I quickly did as he said but I didn't see anyone. However I did feel it. It was strong. He's close. I got scared. Not for myself but for Sakura, and of course the other two. I rushed back down to where I saw a wrestling Ino and Sakura. At any other time I would have laughed at the sight but now was not the time. "Please come inside right now."
"What's wr-," I didn't even know who I cut off, the blaring in my head and the pain in my stomach made it hard to focus. "NOW PLEASE!" I didn't mean to yell, I just really wanted them safe. They both looked at my face and knew I wasn't playing any games right now. Ino quickly got the sleeping Sai up and and practically dragged him in the house, Sakura helping. I stayed outside a moment or two longer. I could feel him mocking me, taunting me. It pissed me off. I rushed back in the house and made sure everything was locked before allowing myself to calm down.
"Ino and Sai went to bed. Are you okay?" Sakura was sitting on the kitchen counter. I downed a glass of water and went towards Sakura. "Naruto?" I knew I was scaring her but I didn't feel like talking. I stopped in front her and looked in her eyes. While on the counter she slightly towered over me. There was a burning sensation at the bottom of my eyes. "Naruto, talk to me." Even if I were to try and speak, I knew nothing would've came out. I wrapped my arms around her waist and put my head in her lap. I couldn't stop the tears and it wouldn't take her long before she could feel them through her sweats. "Oh." She started caressing my hair. After a while I manage to calm myself down. "Sorry, it's time for you to sleep." I helped her off the counter and we walked up the stairs in silence. "Can I sleep with you tonight," I asked still feeling the fear from earlier. "Come on." She pulled me in her room and shut the door. I just wanted to be near her so I kept my distance. "You can hold me if it'll make you feel better," she said getting in a comfortable position. I hated the fact that she knew what I was thinking, I felt naked, but this time I was grateful she could tell what I was thinking. I muttered 'sorry' in her hair. She responded by pulling my hand around her waist and holding it in her small one.
When I woke up the next morning it felt like my head had been brutally thrashed around. Despite that I was actually quite comfortable. I noticed I was in a different position. I felt someone run their fingers through my hair. Sakura. I snuggled closer to her. "I hope he feels better today. If he wants we can stay like this all day, I don't mind." She must've thought I was still asleep. I felt the bottom of a book against my head. I wonder what she thinks about it so far, I don't wanna ask though. She smelt nice, then again she always smelt nice. My long arms made her waist feel so tiny. I laid there a while later, not letting her know I was up. "You're up, aren't you?" She brought her face to mine and my heartbeat started beating rapidly. Of course I wasn't going to react, then she'd be suspicious. "Don't play games with me." I gave her a smile. "I wanna stay like this a little longer," I whined. She chuckled and backed away. "You could've just said so." I smiled. "Sakura, tell Naruto we'll be back. We're gonna go get some stuff for the party later." I rose a brow. "You know Ino has to always have some kind of party." I scratched my elbow and might have mumbled something about Ino always having too much energy and got on my nerves. She chuckled in agreement. "Can you play with my hair again?" Immediately I felt her fingers go through my hair again. "You're pretty needy this morning," she said putting the book down, giving me her full attention. "It feels nice being babied. You should do this for me more often," I joked, well half joked, she didn't have to know. "Would that actually make you happy?" I nodded. "Okay, I guess I'll baby you from time to time."
"Last night I just had a really uneasy feeling. I'm sorry of I scared you." Taking my arms from around her waist, I propped up on my elbows. "What scared me the most is you crying," I flinched at the mention of me showing my feelings," and I didn't know how to help." I told her sorry. She threw a pillow at me. "Stop saying sorry." I didn't even focus on what she said because I was aiming the pillow at her. It smacked her hard upside the head. Moving the book to the nightstand next to the bed she pounced on me. We started wrestling around on the bed until I pulled her on top of me and held her still. "You have a lot of energy in the morning." I said out of breath. She was busy fixing the loose strands of her hair," It's actually noon but yeah, sure, we'll go with that." I was waiting for her to get done messing with her hair to see if she would get off of me. "What? Is there most hair out of place?" I shook my head. "Then what is it," she pouted, crossing her arms. The sun leaking through the blinds, made her face glow. "I was admiring your beauty." It slipped out. HOLY CRAP, I SAID IT OUT LOUD! I wanna die. "Don't play games with me." I'm glad she wasn't panicking about it like I was. I pinched her thigh. "You know, most people would say thank you." She swatted my hand away but didn't move to get off me.
"That's highly unfortunate," she said putting her hair in two Dutch braids. "I'm going to compliment Ino when she comes back and you see how to properly take a compliment," I pouted crossing my arms. "Aww the baby's mad I won't take his compliment," she said in a teasing tone. "I don't appreciate you calling me a baby." She smiled and uncrossed my arms. "What if I changed it to my big baby," she asked wrapping my arms around her torso. In my head I didn't mind at all but," No thank you," I responded. "I think I might, just to bother you," she laid on top of me, wrapping her own arms around my torso. "What are you trying to do, besides get on my nerves," I could feel my eyebrow twitching. "This, I wanna be babied too." I wrapped my arms back around her tightly. "You could've just said so," I mocked. "Shut up." I wanted to tell her. I wanted to tell her that I had feelings for her. I wanted to really bad but I held back, not wanting to ruin the moment or ruin the friendship she worked so hard to attain. "Naruto you're tensing up. What's wrong?" Her talking sent vibrations all over my chest. I'm surprised my heartbeat was controlled and not beating out of my chest. I relaxed so she wouldn't be concerned. "Nothing." I kissed the top of her head wanting to kiss her lips instead. "Let me up. I have to pee." I decided to hold onto her a bit longer for revenge. "Naruto! Don't be mad when I pee on you. Naruto!" I laughed as she tried to squirm out of my hold. "Have we learned not to pick fights with people who just woke up?" I squeezed her tighter. "Yes! Yes! Now let me go!" I watched her almost run into the bathroom door.
"Naruto you're up! Can you come help me, Sai had something urgent to do." Groaning I got up. I looked down at Ino. "I feel like you only like me when you use me for something." She laughed while walking down the stairs. "Not entirely true. I like you MORE when you're useful to me." I scoffed. "So ultimately I was right." I helped her get the bags off the porch and into the kitchen. "So, did you think about my lovely advice last night?" I sighed. I told her how I felt while she put up everything and wouldn't let me help. "Naruto, I would give it about two to three more days until you can admit to yourself that you're falling in love with her." She flashed me a smile and shoved a pocky stick in my mouth. "I was surprised that you could actually be useful to me for once," I told her as I grabbed another stick. She shot me a look. "Burns doesn't it?" I smirked. "Just a bit." We both laughed. "But for real, thank you." I pulled her into hug. "Yeah, yeah, don't get all mushy on me. I like being able to bully you." I released her and flicked her forehead. "Asshole." I stuck my tongue out. "Ino pig."
The fact that Sakura hasn't grown feelings for Naruto yet, bothers me immensely. How can you do all this cute couple stuff and now grow feelings? I wanna punch her. Also the friendship Ino and Naruto have makes me smile. Anyways, thank you for the support, Sayonara! :)

A Demon Can Love(NaruSaku)
RomanceMODERN AU Naruto Uzumaki is a demon. Ultimately he grew up without anyone. At school he accidentally bumps into Sakura Haruno. With the bubbly personality Sakura has, she befriends Naruto and tries to show everyone he's not the demon they make him o...