Chapter. 21

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Sakura's Pov

The whole time Naruto was telling me what happened, I felt him hurting. I don't know what I should've felt but it wasn't anger or hatred. I felt bad that Naruto blamed himself for what happened when It was that bastard's fault. "Naruto!" He fell to the ground and I instantly pulled him in a hug.

He started bawling like a baby. He probably longed for someone to tell him it wasn't his fault and it was me who did. He drove me home after collecting himself. "Sakura." I hummed a response too drained to actually respond "I want to give you a week to actually think about this and if you want to continue our friendship." I was about to protest when he spoke again. "Nothing you say right now will change my mind. I want you to THINK about it." he poked my forehead. "When you've decided come to my house after school to tell me." He flashed me a small smile, something rare. I nodded and headed inside.

Immediately I called Ino, completely forgetting about her date.

"Sakura what's wrong?" I apologized for interrupting her date. "Don't worry we canceled." In that case. I asked her to come over immediately. I caught her up to speed with everything and she didn't look a bit surprised. "Why don't you look shocked?" She started fidgeting under my gaze.

"I-I already knew. He told me when he explained to me why he said no to considering you as a friend." I was shocked. She can usually never keep a secret. "WHY DIDN'T YOU GIVE HIM CLOSURE YOU ASSHOLE!" I started hitting her despite her protests.

"I'm pretty sure he wanted only you to do that. So what are you gonna do?" I gave her a look like she was the most stupidest person on the planet.

"Well, you found out before me and are still friends with him, correct?" She nodded. "I don't know why I would be any different." She laughed. 

Naruto's Pov

After dropping her off I rushed home. Honestly, I was the one who needed a week. Knowing her personality, I was ninety-nine percent sure of what she was gonna say. I don't want anything to happen to her. I showered and pondered over what I should do. When she was with me in the car, I realized that I had feelings for her. I wasn't gonna act like a stupid high school boy and try to deny them or bully her for it. I should've seen it coming. However, I constantly put myself in the friendzone because I was scared, not that she didn't have feelings for me, I wasn't sure about that, but because I don't know what will happen to her in the future. If I lose her I don't think I'd be able to handle it this time, especially if I were to confess.

The emotional roller coaster the day had brought me made me really exhausted. I thought about making some ramen but I didn't have it in my to move. I fell asleep on the couch, thinking what I was going to do about Sakura.

Sakura's Pov

I woke up with a massive headache. I guess I cried too much yesterday. Since it was the weekend I told Ino to stay the night. Careful not to wake her, I snuck away to the kitchen to make us some breakfast. Halfway done, I heard Ino stumble out of bed.

"Who ever dates you will be lucky to have a girlfriend that can cook," she said, wiping the sleep out of her eyes. I chuckled at her statement. Now that I think about it I haven't thought about dating.

"Do you see yourself dating any time soon?" Knowing Ino, I already expected the question. Trying to flip the pancake in the pan I answered her. "How are things going with you and Sai?" I stopped for a second to get the satisfactory image of Ino getting all flustered. "D-don't try and distract me like that. Speaking of him, he said that me and you seem more of a couple than me and him would ever be."

Laughing, I started making the eggs. "Have you seen what you wear around me?" She looked down at herself. "Meh you have a point." Ino and I ate like we hadn't in years. Since Sai was going out of town Ino decided to practically live with me the whole weekend.

Monday came and I was pretty happy to see Naruto. I discovered he didn't get a schedule change he had just been hiding in Kakashi sensei's classroom for all of his classes. I wonder why he's still not coming to his classes.

Wednesday arrived and he was still partly avoiding me. During lunch I was stuck watching the two love birds flirt. Naruto actually sat in the lunchroom, just not with me but in my line of eyesight. Suddenly last Friday came back to me and I remember him mentioning something about rules. I gasped loudly as I realized what he was talking about. I quickly dug in the secret pocket hidden in my bag to find the piece of paper.

'Rule number one, when the dominant says to leave him alone, do not try to contact.'

'Rule number two, when the peasant is with her social party dominant does not engage in anyway.'

'Rule number three, when the dominant wants the peasant to do something she will do it without question.'

'Rule number four, when the peasant wants the dominant to do her a favor of any kind he can choose to accept or decline.'

'Rule number five, neither the dominant or the peasant can get attached to one another, as in a romantic way.'

I scoffed as I remember how frustrated I was when he ruled me as the peasant. I looked up at him and caught him looking at me. I flashed him a smile and waved the paper subtly so people wouldn't think I was going crazy. He seemed to know what it was and showed a faint smile. I've noticed he's been smiling more often, even if it's small. He said almost all so I guess we haven't broken number five.

During Kakashi sensei's class Naruto sat closer to me but was still somewhat distant. Through class I would sneak glances at him. Is he okay? He seemed to be deep in thought and struggling with something. Deciding I was overthinking things I focused back on Kakashi sensei.

Friday came quicker than I thought it would and I couldn't be more happier. Despite my happiness I didn't see Naruto all day and it bothered me a little. He wasn't even in Kakashi sensei's class. He's probably taking a break from school or got sick. I asked Ino to drop me off at Naruto's house before her date with Sai. I took a deep breath before knocking on his door. I waited a minute or two before I got impatient. I grabbed the knob and twisted it, surprised that it was already unlocked. Letting myself in I came to face to face with Naruto.

In his demon form.

I actually liked that cliffhanger. Please tell me what you think of this chapter and vote and stuff(Of course you don't have to.) Anyways, Sayonara! :)

Edit: I'm currently writing the last chapter and the epilogue so it might be a day or two before the book is finally finished.

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