Chapter. 26

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Naruto's Pov

Ino came earlier than I expected her to. "How the hell do you constantly have energy? You're not human are you?" I was grumpy. I hadn't gotten the right amount of hours to be able to fully function. Ino started pinching my cheeks very roughly. "Stop being a grumpy person and let me in." Wanting the pain to stop, I moved aside. 

"You know it's actually a good thing you're here, I need to do something while Sakura is asleep." She gave me one her smirks. "Is someone doing something grand to confess," She said repeatedly poking my shoulder. "Ino pig, I'm tired and grumpy don't start." She muttered a whole bunch under her breath. I went to my room and grabbed the envelope that had my will in it.

"Help yourself to anything in the fridge and if Sakura wakes up let her know I'll be back." She nodded obviously not paying me anymore attention as she raided the fridge. I'm glad Kakashi is still here, he's probably getting ready to leave for his next trip. Trying to not go over the speeding limit I raced to Kakashi's house. I caught him while he was struggling to drag his suitcase out the front door. "Already getting old? You can't even get it out the door." I smirked, knowing that he hates being told he's getting older. 

"If you're not going to help go away. I still have things to do." With ease I got the suitcase out the door. "Kakashi before you lock your door," which he was doing as the words come out of my mouth," can you put this in there?" I handed him the envelope. His eyes got slightly wider. "Is this what I think this is?" I nodded avoiding his eye contact. "I just have a bad feeling, probably nothing serious." He nodded in understanding. "Thank you." Before he had the chance to ask me about the uneasy feeling I had I rushed to the car. By the time he came out the front door I was already in reverse. "Have fun old man!" I laughed as he shot me a look.

I unlocked the front door to see Ino had made herself quite at home. "This is why I call you Ino pig. Look at all the wrappers. She's not awake?" I put my keys on the table and pulled my suitcase to the front. "No and I only take pleasure in waking you up." I rolled my eyes. "Where's your suitcase?" I asked her not seeing one. "It's already there, dropped it off before coming here yesterday." I nodded.

Not trying to make a lot of noise I opened Sakura's door. She looked pretty even while her hair was a mess and there was drool on the corner of her lips. I leaned over and kissed her forehead. I knew I shouldn't be doing it but I really couldn't help myself. At least I wasn't taking full advantage of her sleeping state like other horny teenage boys would do. I got scared when she started to move. "Sakura," I gently shook her shoulder," time to wake up." Instead of her waking up she pulled me into bed with her. "C-can't breathe." She smells nice. Finally getting her to let go, I regained my composure. Okay no more being nice. "Sakura! Wake up!" She jumped up and fell out of bed. I held back a laugh. "Naruto what the hell?" She screamed at me. "You freaking scared the crap out of me." I shrugged still trying to hold back my laughter. "Get up we're about to leave." She groaned. 

After getting the suitcases in the trunk we were on the road. "I still don't see why I couldn't have drove," Ino pouted from the back. I looked at her through the rearview mirror," because you drive like a suicidal maniac." She huffed. Sakura laughed. "Could you at least put on some music?" I let Sakura be in charge of music since Ino's music made me want to yeet myself out of my own car. At least Sakura's music was tolerable. A while later we arrived at the beach house. "This one?" Ino shook her head and pointed. "The one all the way at end." I noticed the farther we went the more expensive the houses looked. Of course it's this one. Our beach house looked the most expensive of them all. "Don't worry, I own this one." Ino said nonchalantly as we all got out of the car.

I wasn't even shocked. I expected this from Ino once in a while. I couldn't say the same for Sakura. Ino went inside with an questioning Sakura behind her. "Thanks for the help guys!" I yelled sarcastically. Getting the suitcases out was more difficult than I though it was going to be. Now I know how that old man felt. With one last grunt I hauled the suitcases in the beach house. The girls were no where in sight but I heard Ino's loud voice from upstairs. "Sakura I have your suitcase!" I heard the sound of her feet slamming on the floor as the sound got closer to me. It was the same sound a toddler would make when they hear the sound of wrappers. Well that's what I read from a book Sakura recommended. 

"Thank you but can you also bring it upstairs." I grunted in response realizing there was no rooms downstairs. I want to strangle Ino. "Sure."  Tired, I dragged the suitcase up the stairs. "Which room?" She pointed to one of the first ones. She does have mercy after all. "What about yours?" I told her I'd get it later and flopped on her bed while Ino went to check on something down on the beach. "Aw did I tire the poor baby out?" Sakura mocked caressing my cheek. Not thinking I pulled her on top of me, making her straddle me. We both went silent. I pulled her down to my chest feeling the blush rise to my cheeks. I didn't want her to see it. "Are you okay?" She asked in a serious concerned tone. "Yeah." I mumbled in her hair. I let go of my grasp on her but she didn't move. "Are YOU okay?" I lifted her face so I could see her eyes. She nodded. She slid off of me. Good thing she did, a second later Ino would've thought something out of context was happening.

"Are you guys taking a nap? That won't do, it's swimming time!" She yanked me and Sakura off of the bed. "Change right now." How in the world does this tiny woman have so much strength? I went down stairs to get my suitcase and hauled it upstairs. I chose the room next to Sakura's all the while feeling Ino smirking without having to turn around to face her. I slammed the door already getting tired of the pig.

While I was actually swimming the girls were 'getting their tan on' as they called it. I saw Sai approach and mouthed for him to wait. He gave me a questioning glance. I hurriedly splashed the girls and made my way back to the water. "Naruto!" I heard as I dove in the water. When I resurfaced I saw Sakura dive in while Sai and Ino was having a little make out session. Sakura popped up beside me and caught me staring at them. "You know I could help you get with her." Instead of flicking her in the forehead I shoved the idiot's head underwater. I swear she's so stupid. "What was that for? I'm just trying to help-," I shoved her under again. Idiots never learn do they? "You're gonna drown me if you keep on!" I smirked at her. "How did you know that's what I was trying to do?" I saw her eyebrow twitch and since I felt it coming. I let her dunk me under water so she could be satisfied.

Before she got the chance to do it a third time I wrapped her legs around my waist. "What are you-," I cut her off. "If you try it again we both go under." I told her. She scoffed. I wanted to go back on the sand but the love birds were still going at it. "You keep looking over there." I returned my focus back to Sakura who wore a expression that was new to me and then it quickly vanished. "If you must know Ms. Nosy Pants, I was wondering what that felt like." I let her go and swam closer to the shore. She followed close behind. "What do you mean?" She gasped and I thought she was about to drown. "Naruto, have you never been in love?" Again I didn't want to bring up the complicated feelings I felt toward Sasuke. While at the same time I thought it was love I wasn't aware of what that felt like so I couldn't say if I was or not. Nonetheless I shook my head no. "That's not what I meant but no I have not. I was talking about I wonder what if felt like to kiss the person you like."

She went under water and appeared in front of me blocking the couple making out a few meters away. "So there is someone you like." I rolled my eyes. "Well you've kissed me before." The image of me kissing her lips while she slept popped in my head. I quickly went under water. I came back up choking. "That's different. I've seen Ino also kiss you like that. That is not the same as that," I said pointing the the couple on shore. "If you tell me who she is I could help you," she said nudging my arm. I shook my head preparing to wear my heart on my sleeve for a second, another reference from a book I read that Sakura recommended. "Honestly," I looked her dead in her emerald eyes," I don't want her to like me back. I would prefer it if we just stayed friends. It's easier to protect her like that."

Poor Sakura was on the verge of drowning. Who else wishes They had an Sai or Ino of their own? It's okay me too. I got a little jealous while writing it. Next chapter will have some classic bonfire bonding time. Thanks for your support! Anyways, Sayonara! :)

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