Chapter. 27

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Sakura's Pov

"Honestly, I don't want her to like me back. I would prefer it if we just stayed friends. It's easier to protect her like that." As he stared me in my eyes he left his feelings out for the world to see. I saw the pain in his eyes. It was a massive amount of it. It's because of what happened to Sasuke, isn't it? I knew it was without having to ask him. Naruto looked vulnerable. I pulled him into a hug and decided to make jokes, knowing he was uncomfortable with having his feelings out on display. "I didn't know you had friends." He scoffed while I pulled away. "The nerds at your future work place are my 'friends'." A lightbulb went off in my head. "Hey! I know where to start looking when we go back home." He rolled his eyes and pushed me underwater. I came up shivering realizing that the sun had went down and we've been out here a while. "Your lips are blue. Let's go inside to take a shower." I nodded. Even though the shore wasn't very far away my legs gave out once we reached it. "Do you need me to carry you?" I shook my head no. The next couple of minutes consisted of me falling while walking on the sand, while everyone laughed at me, until Naruto got impatient and carried me on his back.

"Take a bath, you reek of sea water," he joked as he set me down in the bathroom. I told him off until he backed out of the bathroom and I slammed the door on his face. I hear him chuckle as I began running water. Making a split second decision to read 'Young Adolescence' while I soaked in the water I ran out the bathroom and made a mess of my suitcase until I found it and ran back in. I lost track of time as I dove into the first chapter of his book. During the prologue I immediately noticed that his writing style was way more mature than what an eight year old should have the ability to write. 'This is the story of how my bestfriend came in my life and how he left not long after.' I knew this book was going to make me cry. Remembering this was a draft I thought about how the story would have originally been if Sasuke didn't die. In the beginning of chapter one I realized this was going to be a happy story until I noticed the maturity splotches further into chapter one. He definitely went back to change some things. The dried up tears didn't go by unnoticed. By the end of chapter one I had already started crying. I thought it was a good time to get out. Crap. I didn't grab any clothes.

While I was deciding what to throw on Naruto busted through the door, looking scared. I hurriedly shoved my thong to the bottom the suitcase. "W-what's wrong?" He didn't seem to notice what I was holding a few seconds prior to his entrance. That or he was very good at pretending. Probably the latter. "Oh, you're alright." He heaved a breath of relief. I gave him a stupid look. "Why wouldn't I be?" By the way he was breathing it seemed like he had just got done running a marathon. "Ino said she called your name several times and when you didn't answer she tried the door but it was locked. She scared me." I chuckled and he looked like he could punch me. I grabbed his book. "I was reading the first chapter of this." I saw him visibly flinch. Totally ignoring what ever it was he was talking about I noticed that he was more open with his emotions and reactions lately. "That book could ruin your trip here. It's better to read alone, isolated, away from people." I shook him off not wanting to listen. "Get out, I need to get dressed." He shut the door. I threw on some sweats and a loose shirt.

I could hear the kitchen booming with laughter as I descended the stairs. "There she is! You scared me and then made me scare Naruto." I laughed and apologized. "Now we can finally have a little bonfire!" I was excited for the bonfire. I had never had one before. Eventually the bonfire started dying down. We sung songs, made smores, roasted sausages, and told ghost stories. Now came the real talk time. "Do you guys believe in soulmates," Ino asked. "Yes." 

"No." Naruto and I both answered at the same time. We looked at each other. We started getting into a heated debate about it, Naruto arguing no and I the other, until Ino interrupted us with another question, finding our little scuffle amusing. "What about being able to love more than one person?" Neither one of us answered and shot Ino a look. "Interesting," Ino said rubbing her chin like she was playing a wise old man. She's lucky she's in Sai's arms or I would've pounced on her. Naruto's question brought me out of the one sided war I was having with Ino while she was completely oblivious. "How do you know when you're in love?" I had forgotten he hadn't experienced it before, while everyone else here had already experienced it or was experiencing it. "It is scary? Is it necessarily a good feeling? Does the one you 'love' always love you back? What do you do when you're scared of it? What if you never have a good feeling while experiencing it? Are you able to love more than one person?  What do you do," he sounded so serious and pained when he continued," when the one you love doesn't love you back?" It went silent for a while. "I was kidding guys-," he got cut off by Ino.

"Let me get in my real time mode real quick," she pretended to transform which brought down the tension in the air, since we all laughed. "When it comes to love, it's not the same as 'liking'. They're two totally different things. Saying you like someone would be saying you're interested in them and want to get to know them better. When you 'like' someone you want to help them out, However when you're in 'love' someone you want to make their pain your own. When you're in love your eyes tend to only stare at their face rather than the rest of their body. Your schedules start to combine as one. You're more open to someone you're 'in love with' and are opened to trying things out of your comfort zone with them. They tend to put you at ease. They make you feel safe. Your future plans always include them. They become a priority. You freak out when they're upset or you don't know how to help them. You want to say the big three words, I love you. Love being scary? Hell yeah." We chuckled.

"Actually being in love with someone makes you feel vulnerable, which is often scary. Letting yourself fall in love means you're taking a real risk. You place all your trust in someone you're 'in love' with and hope they don't abuse it. It would be like pacing you beating heart in the palms of someone you trust and hope they don't squeeze too hard, causing your heart to break. Being in love isn't always a good feeling. You could be so in love with someone who doesn't even know you exist or just takes advantage of the fact that you love them. However no matter what the case is, if you're in love with someone just being around them can bring you so much joy. As I said a second ago, no, they don't always love you back. They might take interest in you because they know that they don't love you but don't want you to feel bad about it. When ever you're scared of something it's usually the best thing to face it. If you're scared of love then falling in love is the prefect way to fix that, hoping you don't fall in love with a cold hearted jerk. If you never have a good feeling while experiencing you're not in love with that person. Plain and simple. You're mistaking it as love while it might just be infatuation. If you've been in love with someone that love doesn't just die, it's reserved somewhere in your heart, being in love with another person is completely normal. When that person doesn't love you back, and they've said it, accept the fact that that person doesn't need you. Focus on yourself. You're heart might be broken but you're bound to find someone new eventually. Okay Dr. Yamanaka out. Stargazing?" Ino offered, we all agreed.

 I had a feeling that she just wanted Naruto to ponder what she said but not alone in his room. We laid together as we looked up at the stars, which was a very beautiful sight. I whisper talked to Naruto. "Did you get some stuff sorted out in your head?" He shook his head. "Well that's only natural, since you know, this is new territory for you. He popped up on one elbow and faced me. "What about you? Did anyone pop up in your head while she was answering those questions for me?" I had noticed that some of what she said reminded me of Sasuke but not entirely. Majority of my mind went to how Naruto's new personality was like that, since the middle of the school year anyway. "Probably not the way you mean. Sasuke did pop up a few times but while she was talking about it I realized that your personality was similar to the things she said. Whoever falls in love with you will have a hard time figuring you out." I flashed him a smile. "I see. I think imma head on in." I began to get up but he stopped me. "No you stay with Ino, it looks like Sai fell asleep and, you two are wide awake. Plus you've been with me the majority of the day." He didn't give me one of his small smiles as he walked away, just simply left. I turned to Ino.

"You know who he was talking about don't you," I accused her.

"Maybe I do and maybe I don't."

"Ino pig," I mumbled under my breath. Shortly after we started wrestling on the blanket, under the starry night.

Not to be dramatic or anything but my heart broke for Naruto this chapter, poor baby needs some love. I had to seriously look up the meaning of love and read a bunch of different people's interpretations on love for this chapter since I couldn't answer it myself. That was really depressing, lol. Despite that this is the realest chapter I've wrote making it in my top five. Anyways, Sayonara! :)

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