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M:j- Jemma h-help m- me

Jemmas pov
Once Maddie said that something came over me and I ran up and tackled Ryan, he let go of Maddie and she was gasping for air.

W: Jemma you trader you don't know what is about to come to you and to Maddie and to Lizzie

M:what did I do to you

W:you are Lizzies sister and I just don't like you

Je: leave Lizzie alone leave Maddie alone and leave me alone.

W: obviously you don't know me I will do anything I want to Lizzie and you can't stop me and if you do I will spread falls rumors about all if you so I suggest you level me and my friends alone.

M:ok we need to tell eather Lizzie's friends what he just said or we could tell Joel first.

J; how about we tell her friends

M:good idea

They get to the rest of the gang Wich is yammy Tiffany Stacey oli and Callum they told them what William said

Y:that little you know what is going  to get it if he even Lay's a finger on Lizzie or Maddie or you.

M: ok so what your trying to say no s if he lays a finger on any of us you going to......

Y:kill him

Tiff:woah yams how about we get him in jail because if you kill him then your going to go to jail

Y: true your right

Stace: then what are we going to do

Je:how about we just do nothing....

Y:what nothing!!!!

Je:you didn't let me finish I was going to say we do nothing for now until we know what he's going to do

C:I haft to agree with Jemma we should see what he dose first.


Joel's pov

L:*cough*cough*sneeze* I'm sorry for this

J:it's ok Liz everyone gets sick sometimes.

L: thank you

That was all Lizzie said before she fell asleep

Hello my tacos here is another chapter the next one will be out really soon because I have a good thought for it and guess who's gonna be in it hu hu can you guess we'll I'll tell you it's drum roll please brrrrrrrrrrrrrum it's going to be Jen from gaming with Jen and this is before she met Pat so he's not in this story and also Jen is going to be mean also please don't hurt me *eats potato chip* and starts planning her funeral. Any ways I'll see you guys in my next chapter bye

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